Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Great Gilly Hopkins

Title: The Great Gilly Hopkins

Author: Katherine Paterson

Publishing Information: Harper Collins Children Book

Number of Pages:178

Summary: This about Gilly. She is a foster child that has been passed around and has really left a mark on her. She is on to her next mission which is Trotter. This big women that has another foster child living with her. She tries her hardest to put up a front but she begins to fall in love with the family that she is placed with. She wrote a note to her mother a letter to come save her. The mother then told the grandmother to go get her after all these years. By then she does not want to leave she loves Trotter but knows that her knew future is with her real grand mother.

Reaction: I have had foster children and they were never like this. This was a different story that I never read. It was nice to get an inside on her life and to realize how hard it is to be a foster child to have parents but they don't want you. I enjoyed it her vocabulary was a little harsh but you can't blame her because of the life she has had.

Problems: The only problems would be the way she treats people or the language she uses.

Recommendations: For those having a rough time. For those that need some one to relate to. To those that want to gain a better perspective of foster children and the life that they have to live.

Out of the Dust

Title: Out of the Dust

Author: Karen Hesse

Publishing information: Scholastic inc

Number of pages: 227

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is a story about a girl that loves her mother and baby brother and has to learn to live with her dad and live with her life in the dust. When her mother died she tried to save her but she just damaged her hands and is not able to play the piano any more. This is a depressing moment for her and she is having a hard time dealing with it. She tries to continue to play but it hurt to much. She tried to run away but just ended up going back home to her dad. Her father started dating and she was at first not ok with it but she learned to accept it and enjoy it.

Reaction: This was a different type of book that I have ever read. It was in poem form which was different for me. I enjoyed it though. I liked that way the poem continued with the story and the writing had a real flow to it.

Problems: This was a depressing book. It dealt with a lot of loss. It would be hard to read if the reader was younger and did not know how to handle the feelings.

Recommendation: To those who have lost some one. This is a story about a girl that had hit rock bottom and just picked her self back up. This would be good to read if you were going through the same thing to know that people can help each other.

Olive's Ocean

Title: Olive's Ocean

Author:Kevin Henkes

Publishing Information: Scholastic Inc

Number of Pages:217

Genre:Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is a story about Martha she wants to be a writer. A girl in her class dies and she wrote a journal entry about Martha about how she had never been to the ocean. Martha and her family were going to the Ocean and Martha wanted to bring some back for Olives mom. They go and Martha grows. She gets kissed by a boy that used her and starts to like his brother. At the end she goes to olives home to give her mother the jar of ocean water and her mother had moved away.

Reaction: I didn't enjoy it at all. I thought that it was plain and lacking in story. Like the story of olive didn't really have a point. It was a book that really didn't catch my attention or want me to read more.

Problems: For those that haven't dealt with love or death before it will be hard to understand for some.

Recommendations: I don't think I would recommend this to any one i didn't enjoy it so to advertise to some one else would be wrong

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Star Girl

Title: Star Girl

Author: Jerry Spinelli


Number Of Pages: 186

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is about a home school girl named Star girl that returns to high school. She is a different kind of girl she does not fit in with the norms of high school her pet is a rat and she carries around a ukulele. She captures the attention of the student body with her being so loving, lively, and different. The ask her to be on the cheer leading team because she has so much spirit in her. So much that her cheers for all the teams even the opposite teams. This is something that makes the student body start to reject her. Then she meets a boy named Leo and falls in love with him. They become an item. The school starts to reject them even more. From their on she starts in a speech competition which she believes will make ever one like her. So she does the competition and changes the way she dresses for her to be more accepted. But it does not help at all. So finally she goes back to her old self and goes to the ball alone were people again like her personality but not enough to stand up for her so she then disappears.

Reaction: This book was really good. Every one says that every one should read it before high school and I just wonder what that will change for any one. People are cruel and unkind and by high school its just what you are no matter what. You can change a little but there will still be a seed of that growing in you. This book really does show how high school works. It rejects people that are different and want to be original.

Problems: I don't enjoy that she wanted to be so orginal and she put up with everythig that she did and then she changed for them. She then realize that they still didn't accept her so she went back to her own style and then just ran away.

Recommendation: I would recommend this to people in high school. Then to ask them to look back on their years in high school and ask if this book could be true. Are people this cruel do they really treat people like this so different. Then ask what could we do to change it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

David Gets in Trouble

Title: David Gets in Trouble

Author David Shannon

Publishing:The Blue Sky Press

Number of pages: 30

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is a story about David. Some times he forgets simple things so he tells it like it is or he makes up an excuse of how it happened. For example when pulling on the Cats tail he tells his mom that she likes it. Or when he drops a glass of juice he says that it slipped. He just has trouble doing what he needs to get down but at the end of the day he always says he is sorry and that he loves his mom

Reaction: I did not enjoy the pictures of David, I thought he looked scary and it was not my favorite to read because of the pictures

Problems: Kids might try and do the actions that he is doing

Recommendations: I don' think I would recommend this to any one I did not enjoy it.

Bubble Bath Pirates

Title: Bubble Bath Pirates

Author: Jarrett J. Krosoczka

Publishing: Reinforced Binding

Genre: Picture Book

Number of pages: 30

Summary: Two little boys are playing Pirates. Their mother wants them to take a bath. So every time she tells them to do something they think of a pirate thing to say. For example when she gives them their wash clothes they use them to raise the sails. The go on until they load the cannons which means that are going to un plug the tub. Then while drying them off she tells them about the treausre she has for them in the kitchen turns out its ice cream.

Reaction: The pictures were really fun and they captured the mood of the book.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any one trying to find ways for their child to take a bath.

Fall Leaves Fall!

Title: Fall leaves Fall!

Author: Zoe Hall

Publishing: Scholastic Press

Number of Pages: 28

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: These two boys are outside catching leaves. As they are catching them they are describing them what color they are or what shapes do they look like. Also what size they are. Then they decided to rake them all up and to jump into them. After they go inside and talk about what they saw and eat cookies shaped just like leaves

Reaction: What life like colors they had. These boys did a great job in explaining the difference in leaves


Recommendation: To those studying Fall and colors

Madeline's Rescue

Title: Madeline's Rescue

Author: Ludwig Bemelmans

Publishing information: The Viking Press

Number of pages: 56

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is a story about a school for girls in Paris. Then would do everything in two straight lines. Then Madeline fell off a bridge and into the water and was saved by a dog. They keep the dog until the Master of the school came and said they had to get rid of it so they did. All the little girls were upset so they decided to find the dog and when they did they were all so happy that the little girls could not decided who the dog was going to sleep with. Then later in the night the dog had puppies so there was now a dog for every one.

Reaction: What beautful pictures this book contained some of the pages were just ordinary white black and yellow. Them some were beautiful paintings that we just unbelievably life like. You felt that if you touched the page you would be touching the painting.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For all little girls looking for a book to read. They will love every word in it

Arthur's Family Vacation

Title: Arthur's Family Vacation

Author: Marc Brown

Publishing: The Trumpet Club

Genre: Picture Book

Number of Pages: 30

Summary: Arthur had a week off of school and his family was going on a vacation to the beach. Arthur did not want to leave his best friend Buster but he had to go. So they got their and the pool was to small to play in. Then the next couple days it rained so they did other things like go to a Cow festival. Then on the last day it was bright and sunny and they finally got to take lots of pictures

Reaction: This was a fun book that had a lot of jokes hidden into the picture so if you looked closely you could see different funny things happening. Also It was a really great story about spending time with the family.

Problems: None

Recommendation: To all those looking for some fun stories to relate to their family vacations this would be a great book.


Title: Italy

Author: Jillian Powell

Publishing Information: The Bookwright Press

Genre: Non Fiction

Summary: The talk about the different types of Italy. They talk about this history and the historical factors of it that every one comes to visit. They talk about the families how most of them living in apartments. How lunch is the main meal of the day and when it comes to education they get out at one and how school on Saturday. They talk about how Italy is known for their amazing ice cream and the shopping that can be done their. They talk about the Religion and the farming. How most of the time they travel on boat because most of the city is sitting on the water.

Reaction: There was a lot in this book that I did not know about. I did not know that most families lived in apartments or that children went to school on Saturday. This book was full of fun information that is really good to know.


Recommendation: For those who are thinking about studying other countries it is a great book to get you started. The pictures are amazing and they really capture the culture of what Italy is and what kind of people live there and what people from Italy see every day.

The Greeks

Title: The Greeks

Author: Sally Hewitt

Publishing: Smart Apple Media

Number of Pages: 27

Genre: Nonfiction

Summary: This is the History of the Greeks. It went into great detail about the different lifestyle that they had. For example the girls stayed home while the sons went to school. They wore clothing called tunics. They are known for their Temples and their Myths. Also women cared a lot about their looks so they would make sure that they were always dressed up. They are known for their Olympic Games. They did these games in order to honor the Gods in Mount Olympus and Zeus was their ruler. This book also has many different activies for children to do for them to learn the importance of the history of the Greeks.

Reaction: What a fun book. All of the art ideas were amazing. They had something different on every page for the reader to do so that he or she could better understand what she was learning about.

Potential Problems: None

Recommendation: To all teachers having trouble getting their kids interested in History. This is a great book to learn about history and to get them doing things that are hands on so that they might be able to remember them better.


Title: Ireland

Author Kathleen W. Deady

Publishing information: Bridgestone Books

Number of Pages: 24

Genre: Nonfiction

Summary: This book was all about the different things about Ireland. It talks about how most Irish family are very family orientated. It talks about how the schools there are run be the Catholic church. It talks about all the different food that they eat that they try and be very healthy be eating fruits and vegetables. They do on the other hand eat a lot of meat. talk about how Ireland is famous for arts and crafts and that they have never popular music. The play sports like Hurling and Gaelic football. Also they Celebrate St. Patrick's Day March 17 every year.

Reaction: This was great to learn about where I am from and why my family is so big on family and why we go all out for St. Patrick's Day


Recommendation: For all of those interest on why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day. For those looking into more about the Irish Culture or those that like Ireland.


Title: Germany

Author: Michael Dahl

Publishing: Bridgestone Books

Number of Pages: 24

Genre: Nonfiction

Summary: This is a book all about Germany. It talks about how children go to school. It takes about what holidays they celebrate and what kind of cars they drive. It talks about the color of the flag and what kind of animals live in Germany.

Reaction: This was very informational I had no idea that they only went to school for four years then they could choose to get trained in a certain field of work.

Problems: None this would be great to give a child if you were traveling there or teaching them about different places around the world.

Recommendation: To all have an interest in foreign places

The Secret of Plantform 13

Title: The Secret of Plantform 13

Author: Eva Ibbotson

Publishing:Puffin Books

Page number: 231

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: There is place called a Gump that is the door way to a secret Island. This Gump only opens every nine years for nine days. The Gump opens into the streets of London. There are a king and queen that had just had a baby and they hired for sisters to be his nannies. The Gump opened and they took him into London so that they could get some fish and chips. They were sitting on a park bench when the baby was stolen by Mrs. Trottle a women that could not have a baby and her old nanny brown. The gump closed and the King and Queen were very upset. They then waiting nine years. And come to find out that there prince was now named Raymond Trottle. Then when the Gump opned again they sent out resures to find the prince. Then went to the house and meet a wonderful servent boy named Ben. They then had Ben help them to get Raymond to come with him. Raymond was very fat and selfish and didn't want to. So they had to figure out a plan to steal him but while trying to steal him Ben got hurt and then for got about Raymond. From there the King and Queen sent these yucky birds to go get the Prince. From there the birds stole the prince. The resueres tried to tell ben to come to the island with them but he couldn't leave his grandmother nanny brown. But then turns out Nanny brown dies and gives him a note saying that Ben is the prince not Raymond so they run to the gumb and make it in and then throw raymond back out on to the streets of London.

Reaction: I loved this book. I loved the clear twist and I loved the characters that came alive in the book. I enjoyed all the magic that happen and all of the plots that ran together. I loved the details of the book and the random pictures that would come up and show what some of the characters looked like.

Problems: The only problem is don't let your son become to spoiled

Recommendation: I think that this would be great for all. It is not that long of chapters so you could read it to kids and keep their interest or you could give it to a child that is starting to read and I think that he would enjoy it very much.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Andersen Fairy Tales

1. The Emperor's New Suit
2. A Story From the Sand Hills
3. The Butterfly
4. The Windmill

Author: Hans Christian Andersen

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: The Emperor only liked the best of the best when it came to clothing. There were two swindlers that came into town saying that they could make the best of clothing. That their clothing was so perfect you had to be smart and fit for your job in order to see it. So they asked for a lot of money and the finest materials to make this for the Emperor. The Emperor was very excited but he wanted to make sure he was fit for his job, he wanted to be able to see the clothing which was being made for him. So, he sent a priest to go see the clothing. The priest could not see it but he lied cause he did not want to be unfit for his job. The Emperor had sent others as well and they did the same. Finally the finally product was done. The swindlers helped the Emperor put on his new out fit even though know one could see it and he walked through town so that he could show it off. When walking through town ever one pretended to see it except for a child that just shouted that he was not wearing anything. Then the rest of the town declared that they could not see it either.

Reaction: It was a little to predictable for it to be something that I enjoyed reading. You could tell from the beginning what was going to happen which still makes for a good story but not for this one it lacked meat or something to look forward to.

Potential Problems: We should not teach our readers that it is okay to lie just in order for others not to judge you.

Recommendation: This was not one of my favorite fairy tales so I don't think that I would recommend this for any one to read.

Asbjorsen Fairy Tales

Title: Why the Sea is Salt

Author: Peter Asbjorsen

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: There was a rich and a poor brother. The poor brother came to the rich brothers house asking for food. The rich brother gave him flitch and he told him to take it to Hell. So the man goes to Hell and make a trade with the devil for the flitch. He trades it for a grind. So they make the switch and the poor brother takes the grind home where it makes him everything he asks for until he becomes wealthy from the grind. From there he has everything so the rich brother buys it off of him but doesn't know how to use it so he ends up paying his brother to take it back. Then he starts to grind out Gold and builds he house on the sea side and a skipper comes up and wants to buy it so he does. He then takes off quickly so that the man will not change his mind. He then wants to grind salt and he does it on his ship and he doesn't know how to stop it so it floods his boat and then the grind drifts off to the bottom to the sea and thats why the sea has salt.

Reaction: The funny thing is I started to read the story forgetting all about the title and then by the end when it sums it all up it just makes me laugh that it all comes together with a joke at the end.

Problems: I don't see many problems with the stories I feel that they are fun ways of answering the questions of the world

Recommendation: To any one looking for a good laugh

Perrault Fairy Tales

1. Sleeping Beauty
2. The Master Cat or Puss in boots
3.Ricky of the Tuft
4. Little Tom Thumb

Author: Charles Perrault

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: There was a baby born to a queen an a evil fairy cast a spell on her that she should die from pricking her finger on a spindle wheel. After the evil fairy cast this terrible smell a small fairy that had been hiding came out and changed the spell that she would only go into a sleep for a hundred years until kissed by the kings son. This all happened as told. The prince found her and married her but kept it a secret cause his mother who was an orge would not be happy. Finally his father died making him open his secret about his family that he had made included a son and a daughter. Then there was a war and the king had to leave. From there the evil mother tried to eat the small family but the steward saved them and hide them in his home. One day the evil mother heard them playing and was going to drop them into a large Vat and eat them but the sun had returned so she placed her self in the vat.

Recation: I enjoyed that story alot more. It was nice to hear what happen to Sleeping Beuaty once she was waken. I think it was funny that the mother was an orge and he father married her for her money. It was just a real fun twist to the story

Problems: The problems I see is that the mom tried to eat her sons family. This is not something that we should give to every one to read if they are not old enough to understand it.

Recommendation: I would recommend this to all. It was a fun twist that i truely enjoyed reading. I think alot of people would enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jacob Fairy tales

1. Three Bears
2. Mr. Fox
3. Lazy Jack
4. The old women and her pig

Author:Joseph Jacobs

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary of Plot: The three bears that live in the forest have just made breakfast and it was to hot so they decided they would go through the forest on a walk. When they are gone a old women comes in and tries all of the breakfast and has stolen all of the silver spoons and replaced them with wooden ones. She eat all of the small bears breakfast. Then she tries out the huge bear chair then the medium one then the small and sits there but then says a wicked word cause she breaks it. She then goes and tries all of the bed and falls asleep in the tiny bear bed. She then is a deep sleeper and the bears come home and the bear find their breakfast and their chairs then finally they go to their bed to find the old women still sleeping there. The big bear does not wake her up and neither does the medium bear. But, the small bear is so high pitch it wakes her up and sends her out the window

Reaction: Well I was not expecting an old women in the story. This is not like the Three Bears that I have. They used great adjectives to describe the bears and not putting them into any type of gender

Problems: This is showing readers its okay to just walk into a house and try things out and that is not how things should go and its not okay to go in when no one is home.

Recommendations: If some one wants a different type of fairy tale this would be the way to go. It is not that much of a difference but it still has some changes.

Grimm Fairy Tales

1. Rapunzel
2. Brother and Sister
3. Cinderella
4. The Frog King

Author: Brothers Grimm

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: This was a story about a women who wanted Rapunzel out of a witches garden and the only way she could have it if she gave up her baby. So she gave the witch her baby and the witch locked her in a tower. Rapunzel hair grow long so every time the witch wanted to come in she would climb up Rapunzel's long hair. Once Rapunzel had been singing and a prince had heard her. He waited to see how he could get to her. Then he pretended to be the witch and climb up her hair. They fell in love and he was suppose to bring her things to make a latter. Their love was a secret. One day she let it slip to the witch about the prince so the witch cut off her hair and sent her to the forest. Then the prince came back and the witch pretended to be Rapunzel and then she blinded him and sent him into the forest. Weeks later then found each other and Rapunzel was able to give him back his eye sight and they lived happy together

Reaction: This played along well to the stories that I have always been told. This was kind of more cruel with its writing of how the prince became blind. It also went into more detail of how the witch cut off Rapunzel's hair.

Problems: This is not your normal Fairy Tale even though they do end up together in the end but it is not the nice story that they usually tell.

Recommendations: To any one that is looking for different views of how the fairy tales are suppose to be told


Title: Holes


Publishing Information: Yearling

Number of Pages:233

Genre: Modern Fantasy

Summary of Plot: This is a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He is born into a family that has a curse on it by his great great grandfather who made a deal with Madame Zeroni to take one of her pigs and carry it up the hill to let it drink so it will get big and fat so that he could win over the women of his dreams with the pig. But after he won over the women he needed to take Madame Zeroni up the hill so she could drink the water. Turns out the women didn't want him to he set sell for america and never took her up the hill thus placing a curse on the family. Now Stanley is walking home from school when a pair of shoes fall from his head. He is caught by the cops and is sent to Camp Green Lake even though he didn't steal the shoes. It is there he is made to dig a hole five feet deep and five feet across. He becomes friends with many different boys and gets the nick name of Cavemen. It is also there that he meets zero. Everyone thinks zero is dumb but he is actually good in math. Cavemen helps Zero Learn how to read. While digging these holes they realize that they are not digging to build character then are building to find bruid treasure that kissing Kate Barlow had put then many years ago. One day they are digging looking for the treause and zero gets mad and starts attacking the other boys and then he chooses to run away. there is no where to go on camp Green Lake it is all dessert now but he goes any ways. After a couple of days Stanley goes looking for him and he is under a boat living off peaches. They then set out to climb up the thmb of God. They find onions and water up there that they live off of. Then they choose to go back to camp Green Lake to look for the treasure one more time. Then find it and Stanley gets to keep it cause it says his name on it. Then him and zero get to go home and they get alot of money from the treasure.

My reaction to the story: This was a bunch of stories all rolled into one. The stories were all fun and adventures and they all played into the main story of the book. It was a fun book to read that covered past and present. It showed how people come into our lives for many different reasons. This was a great way of showing how important it is to care about the people who do come into your life.

Potential Problems: There is alot of lying and stealing that goes on in the book. Also most of the people in the book are not positive including many of the counslers. It maybe be a little confusing to those that are reading if they are having trouble keeping the stories straight.

Recommendations: I would recommed this book to all. It is like five stories wrapped into one. I has so much adventure to follow along with. He talks about what it take to be a good friend this is a book that is important to know about and love.