Thursday, February 24, 2011

Olive's Ocean

Title: Olive's Ocean

Author:Kevin Henkes

Publishing Information: Scholastic Inc

Number of Pages:217

Genre:Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is a story about Martha she wants to be a writer. A girl in her class dies and she wrote a journal entry about Martha about how she had never been to the ocean. Martha and her family were going to the Ocean and Martha wanted to bring some back for Olives mom. They go and Martha grows. She gets kissed by a boy that used her and starts to like his brother. At the end she goes to olives home to give her mother the jar of ocean water and her mother had moved away.

Reaction: I didn't enjoy it at all. I thought that it was plain and lacking in story. Like the story of olive didn't really have a point. It was a book that really didn't catch my attention or want me to read more.

Problems: For those that haven't dealt with love or death before it will be hard to understand for some.

Recommendations: I don't think I would recommend this to any one i didn't enjoy it so to advertise to some one else would be wrong

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