Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grimm Fairy Tales

1. Rapunzel
2. Brother and Sister
3. Cinderella
4. The Frog King

Author: Brothers Grimm

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: This was a story about a women who wanted Rapunzel out of a witches garden and the only way she could have it if she gave up her baby. So she gave the witch her baby and the witch locked her in a tower. Rapunzel hair grow long so every time the witch wanted to come in she would climb up Rapunzel's long hair. Once Rapunzel had been singing and a prince had heard her. He waited to see how he could get to her. Then he pretended to be the witch and climb up her hair. They fell in love and he was suppose to bring her things to make a latter. Their love was a secret. One day she let it slip to the witch about the prince so the witch cut off her hair and sent her to the forest. Then the prince came back and the witch pretended to be Rapunzel and then she blinded him and sent him into the forest. Weeks later then found each other and Rapunzel was able to give him back his eye sight and they lived happy together

Reaction: This played along well to the stories that I have always been told. This was kind of more cruel with its writing of how the prince became blind. It also went into more detail of how the witch cut off Rapunzel's hair.

Problems: This is not your normal Fairy Tale even though they do end up together in the end but it is not the nice story that they usually tell.

Recommendations: To any one that is looking for different views of how the fairy tales are suppose to be told

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