Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Title: Holes


Publishing Information: Yearling

Number of Pages:233

Genre: Modern Fantasy

Summary of Plot: This is a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He is born into a family that has a curse on it by his great great grandfather who made a deal with Madame Zeroni to take one of her pigs and carry it up the hill to let it drink so it will get big and fat so that he could win over the women of his dreams with the pig. But after he won over the women he needed to take Madame Zeroni up the hill so she could drink the water. Turns out the women didn't want him to he set sell for america and never took her up the hill thus placing a curse on the family. Now Stanley is walking home from school when a pair of shoes fall from his head. He is caught by the cops and is sent to Camp Green Lake even though he didn't steal the shoes. It is there he is made to dig a hole five feet deep and five feet across. He becomes friends with many different boys and gets the nick name of Cavemen. It is also there that he meets zero. Everyone thinks zero is dumb but he is actually good in math. Cavemen helps Zero Learn how to read. While digging these holes they realize that they are not digging to build character then are building to find bruid treasure that kissing Kate Barlow had put then many years ago. One day they are digging looking for the treause and zero gets mad and starts attacking the other boys and then he chooses to run away. there is no where to go on camp Green Lake it is all dessert now but he goes any ways. After a couple of days Stanley goes looking for him and he is under a boat living off peaches. They then set out to climb up the thmb of God. They find onions and water up there that they live off of. Then they choose to go back to camp Green Lake to look for the treasure one more time. Then find it and Stanley gets to keep it cause it says his name on it. Then him and zero get to go home and they get alot of money from the treasure.

My reaction to the story: This was a bunch of stories all rolled into one. The stories were all fun and adventures and they all played into the main story of the book. It was a fun book to read that covered past and present. It showed how people come into our lives for many different reasons. This was a great way of showing how important it is to care about the people who do come into your life.

Potential Problems: There is alot of lying and stealing that goes on in the book. Also most of the people in the book are not positive including many of the counslers. It maybe be a little confusing to those that are reading if they are having trouble keeping the stories straight.

Recommendations: I would recommed this book to all. It is like five stories wrapped into one. I has so much adventure to follow along with. He talks about what it take to be a good friend this is a book that is important to know about and love.

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