Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Perrault Fairy Tales

1. Sleeping Beauty
2. The Master Cat or Puss in boots
3.Ricky of the Tuft
4. Little Tom Thumb

Author: Charles Perrault

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: There was a baby born to a queen an a evil fairy cast a spell on her that she should die from pricking her finger on a spindle wheel. After the evil fairy cast this terrible smell a small fairy that had been hiding came out and changed the spell that she would only go into a sleep for a hundred years until kissed by the kings son. This all happened as told. The prince found her and married her but kept it a secret cause his mother who was an orge would not be happy. Finally his father died making him open his secret about his family that he had made included a son and a daughter. Then there was a war and the king had to leave. From there the evil mother tried to eat the small family but the steward saved them and hide them in his home. One day the evil mother heard them playing and was going to drop them into a large Vat and eat them but the sun had returned so she placed her self in the vat.

Recation: I enjoyed that story alot more. It was nice to hear what happen to Sleeping Beuaty once she was waken. I think it was funny that the mother was an orge and he father married her for her money. It was just a real fun twist to the story

Problems: The problems I see is that the mom tried to eat her sons family. This is not something that we should give to every one to read if they are not old enough to understand it.

Recommendation: I would recommend this to all. It was a fun twist that i truely enjoyed reading. I think alot of people would enjoy it.

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