Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Star Girl

Title: Star Girl

Author: Jerry Spinelli


Number Of Pages: 186

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is about a home school girl named Star girl that returns to high school. She is a different kind of girl she does not fit in with the norms of high school her pet is a rat and she carries around a ukulele. She captures the attention of the student body with her being so loving, lively, and different. The ask her to be on the cheer leading team because she has so much spirit in her. So much that her cheers for all the teams even the opposite teams. This is something that makes the student body start to reject her. Then she meets a boy named Leo and falls in love with him. They become an item. The school starts to reject them even more. From their on she starts in a speech competition which she believes will make ever one like her. So she does the competition and changes the way she dresses for her to be more accepted. But it does not help at all. So finally she goes back to her old self and goes to the ball alone were people again like her personality but not enough to stand up for her so she then disappears.

Reaction: This book was really good. Every one says that every one should read it before high school and I just wonder what that will change for any one. People are cruel and unkind and by high school its just what you are no matter what. You can change a little but there will still be a seed of that growing in you. This book really does show how high school works. It rejects people that are different and want to be original.

Problems: I don't enjoy that she wanted to be so orginal and she put up with everythig that she did and then she changed for them. She then realize that they still didn't accept her so she went back to her own style and then just ran away.

Recommendation: I would recommend this to people in high school. Then to ask them to look back on their years in high school and ask if this book could be true. Are people this cruel do they really treat people like this so different. Then ask what could we do to change it.

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