Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Eleventh Hour

Title: The Eleventh Hour

Author: Graeme Base

Publishing Information: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 1993

Level: Five years and older

Number of Pages: 31

Genre:Picture Book

Summary: Horace is turning eleven and he is having a birthday party and has invited eleven of his friends to come and dress up and play eleven games. Horace spends so much time preparing this delicious meal, but they can not eat until eleven o clock after they have played all of the different games. While playing different games the food starts to disappear. Who steals the food but is still able to appear in the book on every page?

Reaction: What an incredibly fun book! This book was filled with imagination and critical thinking. It has messages written in every page. It has different animals hidden for the readers to find. This was a fun book to read that is one you can not take lightly it is in depth but in a fun way that makes others excited to read it.


Recommendations: I would recommend this book to all readers young and old. This is one that will be fun for every one that reads it. It is all so a book you can experience with many different people with you that you can all enjoy trying to find out who stole the dinner while the party was going on. This is amazing read that really makes you stop and enjoy the pictures and the colors of the pages that you are reading.

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