Friday, January 28, 2011

The Wandering of Odysseus

Title: The Wandering of Odysseus

Author: Rosemary Sutcliff

Publishing Information: Laurel-Leaf

Number of pages:131

Genre: Fairy Tale-Epic

Summary of Plot
This is a story about Odysseus and his adventures. He starts this book just after finishing his arm with Troy. He spend the whole book trying to work his way back to his homeland of Ithaca. To start of his adventure he incounters a cyclops who tries and eat all of his men. Odysseus uses his wit to get out of that one by holding on to the bottom of a sheep so that the cyclops would not know that they are excaping. That is when the really story starts. Odysseus has to blind the cyclops in his attempts to get away. So once he does that he makes Lord Poseidon made by blinding one of his sons. This makes his trip back to Ithaca that much harder. He encounters many different trouble and comes into many different Gods but he finally makes his way home just to see there are man lining up awaiting to here news of his death so that they can marry his wife. So Odysseus pretends to be a begger and shows up all of the men at the palace. Then he shows himself but some people don't believe him so he has to show a scar on his thigh for people to know its him. After that he kills all of the men trying to get is wife and then goes on with his life.

My reaction to the book:
This book was a little dry for me. Once I was really getting into the story of the chapter it would end and go on to a different chapter and a new story so there wasn't much meat to it. They would explain the history and where he was and then they would start to get into a conflict and then in two seconds it was over and he was moving on to a different island or problem. There was just not enough story line for my liking.

Potential Problems:
The only problem that I can see is that it would not attract to much interest in the book. It would be to dry for people to enjoy it and to see the history of it all

I would recommend this book to those who enjoy history.

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