Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ginerbread Friends

Title: Gingerbread Friends

Author: Jan Brett

Publishing Information: G.P. Putnam's Son

Number of Pages:25

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: The Gingerbread baby was so sad and lonely when his friend Mattie went out to play. He was getting so lonely so he went into to town to look for some friends. He went into a bakery to look for some friends. But all of the people he asked were not alive and could not be his friends. He asked many characters and none of them answered. Then to his surprised he saw a door his size he went in to fall asleep. Come to find out a mouse lived there and was eating his buttons! He then tried to run away and the bakery saw the mouse chasing him and wanted them out of the story and then the Gingerbread man made it to his rooster and got him home. When he got home he had discovered that Mattie had spend the whole day making him a Gingerbread family for him to play with.

Reaction To the book: My Goodness! Those pictures were amazing. It was like she was telling two stories at once. You have the main story that is happening on the page but if you look to the side you can see what his friend Mattie is doing at home while he is away. The pictures were incredible description and so fun to look at. Everything that she drew she stood out and you just could not help but look at all the things that are being shown in the pictures. They look to live like that you almost have to touch the book to see if they are real.

Problems: None

Recommendations: Any one that loves to look at pictures. Loves a fun story full of adventure. Some one that can see a great drawing when they see it and will know what an incredible amount of time was taken to draw this book.

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