Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ella Sarah Gets Dressed

Title: Ella Sarah Gets Dressed

Author: Margaret Chodos-Irvine

Publishing Information: Hardcourt, Inc

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is a book about a little girl named Elle Sarah who doesn't know what to wear she thinks that she wants to wear this crazy outfit, but her parents and her sister try and talk her out of it. They offer clothing they think that she would like even though they are basically the same clothes that they are wearing but Elle Sarah doesn't want to wear their clothes. So she goes back to her original plan of wearing her pink polka dot pants, her orange and green flower dress, her purple and blue striped socks, her yellow shoes and her red hat. She put that outfit on and loved it. Her parents thought that it was a little to much but then the door bell rang and it was friend friends and they loved her outfit.

Reaction: This book was not my favorite. It had a fun story and it would be fun for a little kid that likes to pick out exciting clothes to wear. But the story was lacking. It was fun with the picture they captured the fun of her out fit really well with the different colors they used to show her out fit. One thing i did enjoy was that her cat was in every picture with her.

Potential Problem: The only problem that it would not keep the children attention that long.

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to those with children that like to dress them selves. That like to wear the same thing over and over. Or those with children that like to wear clothes that don't match. Just let them be them and buy this book for them so they know that it is okay to wear what your feeling.

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