Title: I Will Surprise My Friend
Author Mo Willems
Publishing: Hyperion Books for Children/New York
Number of Pages: 57
Genre: Picture Book
Summary of Plot: Piggie And Gerald saw a friend scarying his friend. They thought it would be fun to do. So they decided to try it out. So Piggie went one way and Gerald went the other and they hide behind the same rock waiting for the other person. And when they finally decided to come out they scary each other. They decided it was to much work so next time they are going to play tag next time.
Reaction: This book is full of fun jokes. It is full of fun playful friendship. The pictures are amazing and simple and they just make you laugh. These pictures are so simple it was just a white back drop but the real story comes from the characters faces and actions. This is books is just a fun book. It makes you laugh just by looking at the characters and the faces that they make.
Recommendation: I would recommand this to those young and old looking for a laugh. It doesn't matter what age you are if you enjoying reading then this book with make you laugh and you will enjoy every minute of it.
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