Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pigs Make Me Sneeze

Title: Pigs Make Me Sneeze

Author Mo Willems

Publishing: Hyperion Books For Children/New York

Number of Pages:57

Genre:Picture Books

Summary of Plot
Gerald has a cold and the only time he sneezes if when he is will piggie. So he thinks that piggie is making him sneeze. This makes him sad. He goes to see the cat doctor. He sneezes again when he is around the cat. The Dr. Cat tells him that he has a cold. He goes to tell piggie he does not sneeze because of him and piggie now has a cold.

Reaction: This book is hilarous. It is full of jokes and laughter. The pages and the drawings are amazing. They really capture the characters face and what they are feeling it shows their emotions. The characters come to life and you truely believe that they become friends with the reader.

Potential Problem: This book only problem is that your sides will hurt after from laughing

Recommendations: I would recommend this to all beginning readers the words are not that advanced and they will be able to read it and be able to get the humor from the story.

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