Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Harold and the purple crayon

Title: Harold and the Purple Crayon

Author: Crockett Johnson

Publishing Information: Harper Collins

Number of Pages: 64

Summary: These is about Harold that had a purple crayon and decided to explore with it. He needed to find his way back to his room. He encountered a lot of different things on his trip with his purple crayon. He had a picnic where he could not finish all of his food so he drew animals to finish it. Also he feel in some water and had to draw him self a boat. Then finally he reached land and drew a lot of buildings and asked the Police man where to go. He didn't know where to go but then he remembered his mother always telling him that his window was always around the moon. So he drew his window then found him him self back in bed and "drew" up his covers and feel alseep.

Reaction: I love that drawings in this book!

Problems: None

Recommindation: To any one that has a child that loves to draw and has a wild imagination.

Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping

Title: Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping

Author: Peggy Parish

Publishing Information: Green Willow Book

Number of Pages: 15

Summary: Amelia is invited to go camping with the Rogers and she has never been before so she is really excited about going. She wants to make the Rogers happy so she makes sure she listen to everything that she is told so she won't get in trouble. For example when they are leaving Mr. Rogers tells her lets hit the road so she gets two sticks and starts to hit the road. Then they ask her to pitch the tent and she assumes that means like in baseball where you throw the ball. So she throws it into the bushes.

Reaction: This book had my laughing the whole time. It just makes me happy that she takes everything so literally. And makes me wonder who other people from different cultures might take common phrase that we know what they mean but others might not

Problems: None

Recommendation: For those children that are starting to learn more words and are looking for more to read then pictures books. These are not much longer but they have more story to them so they will be more longer to read but younger kids can still read them on their own.

Where The Sidewalks ends

Title: Where the sidewalk ends

Author: Shel Silverstein

Publishing: Harper and Row

Genre: Poems

Number of Pages: 166

Summary: This is a collection of a bunch of poems from the same author. They don't really have any rhythm or reason to the order they are in. He talks about men with breads that are to long or he talks about some one that gets wrapped in a jump rope. He talks about stuff that would relate to any ones life. He has a poem that talks about how a light wont turn green.

Reaction: These poems were amazing. Well written and they just make you laugh in all ways. The pictures that go with some are just so simple but really makes you relate to the poems and picture what he is picturing.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For those that are looking for a good laugh this book is full of joy for any age. I would recommend it for a child that is learning how to read. Most of the poems contain simple words so they will be able to read most of them and it will help them build there vocabulary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Author: J. K Rowling

Genre: Fantasy

Publishing Information: Scholastic

Number of Pages: 309

Summary: This was a story about a boy named Harry that lived under his Uncle and Aunts stairs. His parents had died when he was younger and he has a scar on his forehead of a lighting built. Harry was treated like a servant and he had to take care of the house. Then all of sudden he got a letter saying he was accepted to Hogwarts but his aunt and uncle would not let him go. Then a giant name Hagrid came to take him to school where he would learn to be a wizard. He goes to get his stuff for school. When he gets to school he makes friends with Ron and Hermoine. From there he goes into Griffindor. He then realize that Snape does not like him and Malfoy becomes his enemy. Then later as the semester goes on he finds out that Voldermort killed his parents and that he is coming back and trying to steal the stone. Then halloween night some one lets a troll into the bathroom and so harry and ron have to take it on. From there he decideds that he is going to find the stone before Voldermort. So he goes down and has to play chest to get through to where the stone is and then he goes and gets knocked out and wakes up in the hospital wing

Reaction: Wow! that was full of adventure and it was one of those books that you just want to finish reading the day you get it cause you want to see how it finishes. This book was full of twist and turns and it makes you excited to read the next one

Problems: There is alot of fights and kids could try to do it at school and that would not be a good thing

Recommendation: For kids that do not know if they like reading yet they will know after reading this book. Some people hate it and some people love it so its a 50 chance but I feel in love with it and it made me want to read more and this book is what started my love affair with books.


Title: Spain

Author: Kathleen W. Deady

Publishing: Bridgestone Books

Genre: NonFiction

Number of Pages: 24

Summary: This is a book about Spain it talks about the flag and the currency that they use. It takes about how the land is formed and where it is located. It talks about where its located on the earth. It talks about how they live. How in the middle of the day the stores are closed for three hours a day so that every one can go home and have dinners with their families. They talk about how the kids there suppose to go to school from six to sixteen. Some kids attend public school but post take part in private school. To goes into what they eat and what animals live with them then it goes into great detail about the culture and how they are very into dancing. Also they are very into sport such as soccer they like to do a lot of out door activities.

Reaction: The pictures are really old but it was cool that they take out three hours a day to go home and spend with there families

Problems: The information is a little out of date

Recommendation: Any one that is planning of studying aboard or some one that is interested to learn about their families and where they are from.

Even Monsters need Haircuts

Title: Even Monsters Need Haircuts

Author: Matthew McElligot

Publishing Information: Walker & Company New York

Genre: Picture Book

Number of Pages: 31

Summary: This is a book about a little boy whose dad is a barber. But every full moon he goes down to his dad shop and gives monsters hair cut. He talks about how frankinstein always get the same or he never knows what skeleton wants done to his hair. Or how some like it different every time and they always have a fun night. But by the end every one has their hair cut and they turn the shop back to normal. And one of the monsters gives him a ride home so that he will be home before his dad wakes up to go cut human hair.

Reaction: This book was really cute and I love that the little boy is in his panajams the whole book with his slippers on. This was a fun story to read and the pictures made the story come to life.

Problems: None

Recommadations: To any one that has a little boy with a wild imagination. For some one that has a child that loves monsters or loves to play with scissors.

My Book Box

Title: My Book Box

Author: Will Hillenbrand

Publishing Information:Harcourt, Inc

Number of Pages: 27

Summary: This book is about an elephant and a frog that find a box. They don't know what to put into the box they think to put in pasta, sock or it can even be a hat box. They finally decided that it is going to be a book box. They are going to fill it up with books so that they can have books where ever they go. They can take them out side or on an air plane. They can act out the books in the box's. They love the book especially at night cause after reading a book they always have sweet dreams.

Reaction: I wish I had a book box to play with. This book was really cute and fun and the pictures made me laugh

Problems: None

Recommendation: Any one looking into getting their child into reading. This will be a fun way to start be allowing them to have there own book box that they can put together and decorate. They can also pick which books they would like to put in them.