Thursday, March 24, 2011

Passport To Russia

Title: Passport To Russia

Author: Keith Lye

Publishing: Franklin Watts

Number of Pages: 47

Genre: Non Fiction

Summary: This was a book about Russia and what you needed to know if you were going to make a trip out there. They talked about the weather. How in some places it is terribly cold at different times of the year and how sometimes it warms up later in the year. It talks about the population and the home life. They are very family people. They like to get together with their extended family as well for parties and dinners. A lot of their stores are markets that are located out side for people to see all of the different foods. Most of the stores have the farmers that grew it out selling it. They talked about how alot of people don't have cars. That the schools that children get educated at are under Communist rule. Finally that Russia is big on the arts. Which is the plays and the paintings.

Reaction: It was neat to learn about the life that some one would live in Russia. How the Communist worked in schools. Also it was cool they way they display pictures for the subjects in the book so you could get the real idea.

Problems: This book is out dated so some of the information could be wrong.

Recommendations: For those who are traveling to Russia, who have family there or just want to learn something new.

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