Friday, March 25, 2011

Love that Dog

Title: Love that Dog

Author: Sharon Creech

Publishing: Joanna Cotler Books

Number of Pages:86

Summary: This is about a boy whose teacher who tries to inspire who students about Poems by giving them different examples. She really inspires one of her students that he starts to write these amazing poems but he doesn't want any one know that he is writing them so she just puts them on the board but doesn't put up his name. Then he starts to write more and signs his name and then kids would comment on how much they like them. He writes poems about things that he knows like when his dog gets hit by a car. His teacher shares a poem by a man that really inpires him that he writes him a letter so that he will come visit and so he does and the boy thanks him by writing him a poem to say thank you and saying that he has stolen some of his idea from some of the poems that he wrote.

Reaction: These book was so funny and was full of fun poems that make you laugh

Problems: None

Recommendations: To those who think they love poems. This will make them love them and excited them to read more and want to learn more about writing them and it will just make them laugh.

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