Monday, March 28, 2011


Title: Bittle

Author: Patricia MacLachlan & Emily MacLachlan

Publishing: Joanna Cotler Books

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is about a dog (Julie) and a cat (Nigel). They lived in a home and had a sweet life. Then their owners brought a new baby home. They started to get use to her by playing with her and sharing toys and food with her. They would take naps together and they started to love her. They would try to talk to her Julie would try to bark and Nigel would Meow at her so that she would have some one to talk to at night. Then one night Julie started to hollow at her and Nigel tried. A few days later Bittle said her first words and it was her hallowing.

Reaction: This was a fun little book. He was cute how the animals would play with her and how they gave her the nick name of Bittle.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any of those young kids that has animals, it would be fun for them to read this and see if their pets do the same things with them.

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