Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Author: J. K Rowling

Genre: Fantasy

Publishing Information: Scholastic

Number of Pages: 309

Summary: This was a story about a boy named Harry that lived under his Uncle and Aunts stairs. His parents had died when he was younger and he has a scar on his forehead of a lighting built. Harry was treated like a servant and he had to take care of the house. Then all of sudden he got a letter saying he was accepted to Hogwarts but his aunt and uncle would not let him go. Then a giant name Hagrid came to take him to school where he would learn to be a wizard. He goes to get his stuff for school. When he gets to school he makes friends with Ron and Hermoine. From there he goes into Griffindor. He then realize that Snape does not like him and Malfoy becomes his enemy. Then later as the semester goes on he finds out that Voldermort killed his parents and that he is coming back and trying to steal the stone. Then halloween night some one lets a troll into the bathroom and so harry and ron have to take it on. From there he decideds that he is going to find the stone before Voldermort. So he goes down and has to play chest to get through to where the stone is and then he goes and gets knocked out and wakes up in the hospital wing

Reaction: Wow! that was full of adventure and it was one of those books that you just want to finish reading the day you get it cause you want to see how it finishes. This book was full of twist and turns and it makes you excited to read the next one

Problems: There is alot of fights and kids could try to do it at school and that would not be a good thing

Recommendation: For kids that do not know if they like reading yet they will know after reading this book. Some people hate it and some people love it so its a 50 chance but I feel in love with it and it made me want to read more and this book is what started my love affair with books.

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