Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where The Sidewalks ends

Title: Where the sidewalk ends

Author: Shel Silverstein

Publishing: Harper and Row

Genre: Poems

Number of Pages: 166

Summary: This is a collection of a bunch of poems from the same author. They don't really have any rhythm or reason to the order they are in. He talks about men with breads that are to long or he talks about some one that gets wrapped in a jump rope. He talks about stuff that would relate to any ones life. He has a poem that talks about how a light wont turn green.

Reaction: These poems were amazing. Well written and they just make you laugh in all ways. The pictures that go with some are just so simple but really makes you relate to the poems and picture what he is picturing.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For those that are looking for a good laugh this book is full of joy for any age. I would recommend it for a child that is learning how to read. Most of the poems contain simple words so they will be able to read most of them and it will help them build there vocabulary.

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