Monday, March 28, 2011

Walter The Baker

Title: Walter The Baker

Author: Eric Carle

Publishing: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers

Genre: Picture Book

Number of Pages: 27

Summary: This is about a Baker named Walter who made the most amazing bread. He would sell it to the king and queen of where he lived. One day the fresh milk got spilled so he had to use water to make his dough that day. The King and Queen could tell the difference and were not happy at all with Walter and what he had done. The King wanted to send him away but he feared he would miss the amazing bread that Walter could make. So he told Walter that he had to construct a bread that you could see the sun through it three times. So Walter went home and tried all different ways to make a bread like the one that the king had asked for. Finally when he had given up he threw the dough in the air and how it landed it was how it was formed into what we know now a days to be a pretzel.

Reaction: I thought it was really cute the way the story ended up being a fiction story of how the pretzel was made. I enjoyed the story but what really made the story was the pictures that were drawn to fix the story. They showed amazing detail and color and were made out to look like fun and something that would capture your eye.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any one that finds interest in art work in pictures. These pages will have you going over them for along time.

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