Monday, March 28, 2011

Gorilla, Monkey & Ape

Title: Gorilla, Monkey & Ape

Author: Ian Redmond

Publishing Information: Dorling Kindersley

Genre: Informational

Number of Pages:64

Summary: This book started out telling us the difference in the human bone structure and in an monkey. The way the skelton will have a curved back with a monkey and we are to stand up straight or how their hands are formed curved and ours is straight out. Then it goes into different types of monkeys and what they eat, where they live, are they awake at night and what they look like. It goes into great detail about how they communicate with each other. It takes about myths that people have about monkeys and also about people that have made a great impact on the monkey world and how they have learned from them and help them not be hunted and killed. Then it goes into detail of how they are being hunted and sold for their skins or their skelton structure. This is something that alot of people are trying to fix so that they won't keep losing monkeys

Reaction: I didn't know there were so many different type of monkeys! This was really informational and what really caught my attention was how the skelton were so different with the back structure and the hands. Also something that made me sad is how many monkeys are gettting killed so they can be sold and how people are going to any lenghths to get them.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any one that is interest in working with animals. That they want to work aboard with monkeys.

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