Title: Harold and the Purple Crayon
Author: Crockett Johnson
Publishing Information: Harper Collins
Number of Pages: 64
Summary: These is about Harold that had a purple crayon and decided to explore with it. He needed to find his way back to his room. He encountered a lot of different things on his trip with his purple crayon. He had a picnic where he could not finish all of his food so he drew animals to finish it. Also he feel in some water and had to draw him self a boat. Then finally he reached land and drew a lot of buildings and asked the Police man where to go. He didn't know where to go but then he remembered his mother always telling him that his window was always around the moon. So he drew his window then found him him self back in bed and "drew" up his covers and feel alseep.
Reaction: I love that drawings in this book!
Problems: None
Recommindation: To any one that has a child that loves to draw and has a wild imagination.