Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Harold and the purple crayon

Title: Harold and the Purple Crayon

Author: Crockett Johnson

Publishing Information: Harper Collins

Number of Pages: 64

Summary: These is about Harold that had a purple crayon and decided to explore with it. He needed to find his way back to his room. He encountered a lot of different things on his trip with his purple crayon. He had a picnic where he could not finish all of his food so he drew animals to finish it. Also he feel in some water and had to draw him self a boat. Then finally he reached land and drew a lot of buildings and asked the Police man where to go. He didn't know where to go but then he remembered his mother always telling him that his window was always around the moon. So he drew his window then found him him self back in bed and "drew" up his covers and feel alseep.

Reaction: I love that drawings in this book!

Problems: None

Recommindation: To any one that has a child that loves to draw and has a wild imagination.

Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping

Title: Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping

Author: Peggy Parish

Publishing Information: Green Willow Book

Number of Pages: 15

Summary: Amelia is invited to go camping with the Rogers and she has never been before so she is really excited about going. She wants to make the Rogers happy so she makes sure she listen to everything that she is told so she won't get in trouble. For example when they are leaving Mr. Rogers tells her lets hit the road so she gets two sticks and starts to hit the road. Then they ask her to pitch the tent and she assumes that means like in baseball where you throw the ball. So she throws it into the bushes.

Reaction: This book had my laughing the whole time. It just makes me happy that she takes everything so literally. And makes me wonder who other people from different cultures might take common phrase that we know what they mean but others might not

Problems: None

Recommendation: For those children that are starting to learn more words and are looking for more to read then pictures books. These are not much longer but they have more story to them so they will be more longer to read but younger kids can still read them on their own.

Where The Sidewalks ends

Title: Where the sidewalk ends

Author: Shel Silverstein

Publishing: Harper and Row

Genre: Poems

Number of Pages: 166

Summary: This is a collection of a bunch of poems from the same author. They don't really have any rhythm or reason to the order they are in. He talks about men with breads that are to long or he talks about some one that gets wrapped in a jump rope. He talks about stuff that would relate to any ones life. He has a poem that talks about how a light wont turn green.

Reaction: These poems were amazing. Well written and they just make you laugh in all ways. The pictures that go with some are just so simple but really makes you relate to the poems and picture what he is picturing.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For those that are looking for a good laugh this book is full of joy for any age. I would recommend it for a child that is learning how to read. Most of the poems contain simple words so they will be able to read most of them and it will help them build there vocabulary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Author: J. K Rowling

Genre: Fantasy

Publishing Information: Scholastic

Number of Pages: 309

Summary: This was a story about a boy named Harry that lived under his Uncle and Aunts stairs. His parents had died when he was younger and he has a scar on his forehead of a lighting built. Harry was treated like a servant and he had to take care of the house. Then all of sudden he got a letter saying he was accepted to Hogwarts but his aunt and uncle would not let him go. Then a giant name Hagrid came to take him to school where he would learn to be a wizard. He goes to get his stuff for school. When he gets to school he makes friends with Ron and Hermoine. From there he goes into Griffindor. He then realize that Snape does not like him and Malfoy becomes his enemy. Then later as the semester goes on he finds out that Voldermort killed his parents and that he is coming back and trying to steal the stone. Then halloween night some one lets a troll into the bathroom and so harry and ron have to take it on. From there he decideds that he is going to find the stone before Voldermort. So he goes down and has to play chest to get through to where the stone is and then he goes and gets knocked out and wakes up in the hospital wing

Reaction: Wow! that was full of adventure and it was one of those books that you just want to finish reading the day you get it cause you want to see how it finishes. This book was full of twist and turns and it makes you excited to read the next one

Problems: There is alot of fights and kids could try to do it at school and that would not be a good thing

Recommendation: For kids that do not know if they like reading yet they will know after reading this book. Some people hate it and some people love it so its a 50 chance but I feel in love with it and it made me want to read more and this book is what started my love affair with books.


Title: Spain

Author: Kathleen W. Deady

Publishing: Bridgestone Books

Genre: NonFiction

Number of Pages: 24

Summary: This is a book about Spain it talks about the flag and the currency that they use. It takes about how the land is formed and where it is located. It talks about where its located on the earth. It talks about how they live. How in the middle of the day the stores are closed for three hours a day so that every one can go home and have dinners with their families. They talk about how the kids there suppose to go to school from six to sixteen. Some kids attend public school but post take part in private school. To goes into what they eat and what animals live with them then it goes into great detail about the culture and how they are very into dancing. Also they are very into sport such as soccer they like to do a lot of out door activities.

Reaction: The pictures are really old but it was cool that they take out three hours a day to go home and spend with there families

Problems: The information is a little out of date

Recommendation: Any one that is planning of studying aboard or some one that is interested to learn about their families and where they are from.

Even Monsters need Haircuts

Title: Even Monsters Need Haircuts

Author: Matthew McElligot

Publishing Information: Walker & Company New York

Genre: Picture Book

Number of Pages: 31

Summary: This is a book about a little boy whose dad is a barber. But every full moon he goes down to his dad shop and gives monsters hair cut. He talks about how frankinstein always get the same or he never knows what skeleton wants done to his hair. Or how some like it different every time and they always have a fun night. But by the end every one has their hair cut and they turn the shop back to normal. And one of the monsters gives him a ride home so that he will be home before his dad wakes up to go cut human hair.

Reaction: This book was really cute and I love that the little boy is in his panajams the whole book with his slippers on. This was a fun story to read and the pictures made the story come to life.

Problems: None

Recommadations: To any one that has a little boy with a wild imagination. For some one that has a child that loves monsters or loves to play with scissors.

My Book Box

Title: My Book Box

Author: Will Hillenbrand

Publishing Information:Harcourt, Inc

Number of Pages: 27

Summary: This book is about an elephant and a frog that find a box. They don't know what to put into the box they think to put in pasta, sock or it can even be a hat box. They finally decided that it is going to be a book box. They are going to fill it up with books so that they can have books where ever they go. They can take them out side or on an air plane. They can act out the books in the box's. They love the book especially at night cause after reading a book they always have sweet dreams.

Reaction: I wish I had a book box to play with. This book was really cute and fun and the pictures made me laugh

Problems: None

Recommendation: Any one looking into getting their child into reading. This will be a fun way to start be allowing them to have there own book box that they can put together and decorate. They can also pick which books they would like to put in them.

The Runaway Pumpkin

Title: The Runaway Pumpkin

Author: Kevin Lewis

Publishing Information: Orchard Books

Number of Pages: 30

Summary: This book was about three kids on Halloween that decided to play with a pumkin and try to roll it down the hill. So they did and it rolled through the pig pen and mom thought about grandma pumpkin pie. Then the pumpkin continued to roll into grandpa chicken coop where he thought of pumpkin soup. From there the pumpkin kept rolling down the hill. Where poppa Baxter saw it and thought of pumpkin bread. So he was on his tractor and dug it a quick hole to fall in to. From there grandma came out and made all those treats and they eat them for halloween dinner and used the rest of the pumpkin to make a Jake o Latern.

Reaction: This book just made me really hungry. I like the rythems that went along with the book it made it for a fun read to try and guess where the pumpkin would go to next.

Problems: None

Recommedation: For any one looking for a wonderful book the goes along with Halloween.

Boo Boo

Title: Boo Boo

Author: Olivier Dunrea

Publishing Information: Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 2004

Number of Pages: 30

Summary: This is about BooBoo the gosling. She is one that likes to eat everything she eats her food and then she continues to walk around and eat every one elses food as well. She eats the chickens food and she eats the goats food. Then she goes for a swim. She then eats the weeds. Then she gets the hiccups. These throw her around and a turtle tells her to drink water and so she does and she gets rid of them. Then she goes back to eating.

Reaction: I want to be a gosling! I think that this book is so cute. I love Boo Boo, she reminds me of myself and how much I eat all the time.

Problems: None

Recommendation: To those that are starting out reading this is a great book.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gorilla, Monkey & Ape

Title: Gorilla, Monkey & Ape

Author: Ian Redmond

Publishing Information: Dorling Kindersley

Genre: Informational

Number of Pages:64

Summary: This book started out telling us the difference in the human bone structure and in an monkey. The way the skelton will have a curved back with a monkey and we are to stand up straight or how their hands are formed curved and ours is straight out. Then it goes into different types of monkeys and what they eat, where they live, are they awake at night and what they look like. It goes into great detail about how they communicate with each other. It takes about myths that people have about monkeys and also about people that have made a great impact on the monkey world and how they have learned from them and help them not be hunted and killed. Then it goes into detail of how they are being hunted and sold for their skins or their skelton structure. This is something that alot of people are trying to fix so that they won't keep losing monkeys

Reaction: I didn't know there were so many different type of monkeys! This was really informational and what really caught my attention was how the skelton were so different with the back structure and the hands. Also something that made me sad is how many monkeys are gettting killed so they can be sold and how people are going to any lenghths to get them.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any one that is interest in working with animals. That they want to work aboard with monkeys.


Title: Astronomy

Author: Kristen Lippincott

Publishing Information: Dorling Kindersley

Genre: Informational

Number of pages: 64

Summary: This book starts out with the history of the universe and what people thought was out in the world. It goes into detail and why they thought it to be this way. It was then covered different ways of measuring the earth distance and recording and discovering using different objects of measure that fell all over the place with being sourable or not. From there they talk about how the earliest telescope was made and how it worked and how over time people have perfected it with new ways. To learn more then went into how to study rainbows and what they meant to the universe and how they were made. Then came in radio telescope. Huge machine that would transmit different information for satellites back to earth so that they could study them more closely. Finally they go into detail how they were able to send space ships up into space to rely on taking pictueres so we could gather more information about the unknown. Then finally the book finished with a bunch of information on the planets. How big they are and how they are formed if they have any moons circling around them.

Reaction: This book was really cool! I loved all the information that I learned about early telescopes and all the different information about the planets. Also it was really cool to look at the different pictures that they had taken from space.

Problems: None

Recommindation: To any young child that shows any interest in space. Or for any children hoping to spark some interest in it they could put this book out in their class room and see if any children look through it.


Title: Bittle

Author: Patricia MacLachlan & Emily MacLachlan

Publishing: Joanna Cotler Books

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is about a dog (Julie) and a cat (Nigel). They lived in a home and had a sweet life. Then their owners brought a new baby home. They started to get use to her by playing with her and sharing toys and food with her. They would take naps together and they started to love her. They would try to talk to her Julie would try to bark and Nigel would Meow at her so that she would have some one to talk to at night. Then one night Julie started to hollow at her and Nigel tried. A few days later Bittle said her first words and it was her hallowing.

Reaction: This was a fun little book. He was cute how the animals would play with her and how they gave her the nick name of Bittle.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any of those young kids that has animals, it would be fun for them to read this and see if their pets do the same things with them.

Walter The Baker

Title: Walter The Baker

Author: Eric Carle

Publishing: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers

Genre: Picture Book

Number of Pages: 27

Summary: This is about a Baker named Walter who made the most amazing bread. He would sell it to the king and queen of where he lived. One day the fresh milk got spilled so he had to use water to make his dough that day. The King and Queen could tell the difference and were not happy at all with Walter and what he had done. The King wanted to send him away but he feared he would miss the amazing bread that Walter could make. So he told Walter that he had to construct a bread that you could see the sun through it three times. So Walter went home and tried all different ways to make a bread like the one that the king had asked for. Finally when he had given up he threw the dough in the air and how it landed it was how it was formed into what we know now a days to be a pretzel.

Reaction: I thought it was really cute the way the story ended up being a fiction story of how the pretzel was made. I enjoyed the story but what really made the story was the pictures that were drawn to fix the story. They showed amazing detail and color and were made out to look like fun and something that would capture your eye.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any one that finds interest in art work in pictures. These pages will have you going over them for along time.

A Single Shard

Title: A Single Shard

Author: Linda Sue Park

Publishing Information: Yearling

Number of Pages: 148

Genre: Historical

Summary: This is about a boy named Tree ear who was an orphan but got took in by Crane man a crippled old man that has a bad leg. This is the story of how they lived under a bridge and how Tree ear started to work for Min a man that made pottery. This was not an easy task but he was able to start helping him because he had broke one of the pots and had to pay it back. After he had paid off his debt he continued to work for him. Min was a very talented potter and he was very patiate with his work. So there came a time when a Royal was coming to the island in search of some one to make potter for the palace. Min worked really hard but he was lacking something that another potter had master. So the Royal came to Min house and asked him to try to make something like that Potter and carry it to the palace so that they could see it. Min went through lots of pots until he finally had two that were ready to be taken. So Tree ear offered to take the Pots to the Palalce as a favor and while he was journey two men stopped him and destroyed his pots. He then went back to find pieces of the pots to take to the palace so they could see the work even if it wasn't whole. They loved it and Min became the marker for the palace.

Reaction: I was really impressed with the story line that was in this book. I have to admit when I started reading it I did not think it was going to catch my attention at all or that I would even enjoy readying the book. I was wrong this book really interested me and made me really look forward to the next page or what else was going to happen in the story.

Problems: This book is a little advanced I don't know if it will catch the attention of a young child like it caught the attention for me.

Recommendation: To any one that is looking for a fun way to learn about history.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Love that Dog

Title: Love that Dog

Author: Sharon Creech

Publishing: Joanna Cotler Books

Number of Pages:86

Summary: This is about a boy whose teacher who tries to inspire who students about Poems by giving them different examples. She really inspires one of her students that he starts to write these amazing poems but he doesn't want any one know that he is writing them so she just puts them on the board but doesn't put up his name. Then he starts to write more and signs his name and then kids would comment on how much they like them. He writes poems about things that he knows like when his dog gets hit by a car. His teacher shares a poem by a man that really inpires him that he writes him a letter so that he will come visit and so he does and the boy thanks him by writing him a poem to say thank you and saying that he has stolen some of his idea from some of the poems that he wrote.

Reaction: These book was so funny and was full of fun poems that make you laugh

Problems: None

Recommendations: To those who think they love poems. This will make them love them and excited them to read more and want to learn more about writing them and it will just make them laugh.

Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy

Title: Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy

Author: Gary D. Schmidt

Publishing: A Yearling Book

Number of pages: 217

Summary: This is about a Boy named Turner that is made to move when he dad gets offered a job as a minister on the coast of Maine Coast. This is about a story how he makes friends with a black girl named Lizzie and how he tries to help her and her family stay on Malaga Island. The main land wanted to drive them out cause they did not think that they are paying there way that they did not deserve their land and they don't properly own it so they must leave. Turner's dad in the beginning did not believe in him but in the end he losses his life by trying to help his son. In the end Malaga Island is made to move and they police sends them into a mental institutation which sadly they all end up dying there.

Reaction: This book was tragicly sad and it was hard to read due to the fact that this was something that actually happened. This made me sad that this could happen in the world but that was the time back then. Other then that the writing was very described it and was well worth the read.

Problems: People sometimes have trouble with reading about the history cause its not all that happy but people need to learn from the past so it doesn't happen again

Recommendations: To any one that likes history.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Passport To Russia

Title: Passport To Russia

Author: Keith Lye

Publishing: Franklin Watts

Number of Pages: 47

Genre: Non Fiction

Summary: This was a book about Russia and what you needed to know if you were going to make a trip out there. They talked about the weather. How in some places it is terribly cold at different times of the year and how sometimes it warms up later in the year. It talks about the population and the home life. They are very family people. They like to get together with their extended family as well for parties and dinners. A lot of their stores are markets that are located out side for people to see all of the different foods. Most of the stores have the farmers that grew it out selling it. They talked about how alot of people don't have cars. That the schools that children get educated at are under Communist rule. Finally that Russia is big on the arts. Which is the plays and the paintings.

Reaction: It was neat to learn about the life that some one would live in Russia. How the Communist worked in schools. Also it was cool they way they display pictures for the subjects in the book so you could get the real idea.

Problems: This book is out dated so some of the information could be wrong.

Recommendations: For those who are traveling to Russia, who have family there or just want to learn something new.

You Are Special

Title: You Are Special

Author: Max Lucado

Publishing: Crossway Books

Number of Pages: 31

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This was a story about Punchinello. He was a wemmick. These were people that went around putting stars and dots on people. Stars if they liked them and dots if they did not. They went around putting stars on the talented ones and dot on the ones that were cracked and paint had chipped from falling. Punchinello was one that had alot of dots. He would try to impress people but he would just end up falling and chipping his paint. He tried to stay inside his home most days so he would not get any more dots. Then he meet Lucia. She didn't have any stars or dots they did not stick to her body. Punchinello wanted to be just like her, she said that if he went to go talk to the maker then his dots would not stick either. So punchinello went to see Eli. Eli the maker told him that he loved him no matter what cause he created him and he doesn't make mistakes.

Reaction: What a wonderful book!


Recommendations: For those children who are dealing with being bullied. Or for those that are very shy. Or once that have low self esteem this should help them see that they are worth alot more then they seem.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New York

Title: New York

Author: Virginia Schomp

Publishing: Benchmark Books

Number of Pages: 140

Genre: Non Fiction

Summary: This book was broke up in many different chapters including: The history of New York and the land that it is on. Also it talks about the different type of people that live in New York. How people from all different cultures around the world come together and live. It talks about the culture that you will find in New York and all the famous people that have worked or lived in New York. Also New York is a huge place for land parks. So it talks about all the different places you could come see. It talks about the things that grow in New York and also all about the state birds or the state flowers. It talks about moments that has happened for the government. It tells about calendar celebration and different things like that.

Reaction: This book was really entertaining. It was full of a lot of different information. It had fun facts and fun places to visit this could be really helpful if going to visit.

Problems: Some of the information that is in the book is out dated.

Recommendation: For any one that was interest in learning about New York or has had a desire to go or learn about it. This is an amazing foundation for the beginning of your learning.


Title: Idaho

Author: Kathy Pelta

Publishing: Lerner Publications Company

Number of Pages:75

Genre: Non Fiction

Summary of Plot: This was about the state of Idaho. It talked about how it came to be. The history of the land and who settled on it first. It talked about jobs in the beginning era. Also it talks about now how so many people come to visit the mountains and all the the great sights to see. It goes in to great detail about the animals that live here. Also it talks about the famous people that have come from Idaho.

Reaction: This book was boring the information was cool to read about but it did not catch my eye more. For example it did not make me want to go out and read more about Idaho or to investigate more into a detail.

Problems: It is a little dry. It gives a lot of information but none of it really fun.

Recommendation: To those who want to learn more about where they live and how the land came to be. The history was the only thing I thought was really interesting.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Title: The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Author: Brian Selznick

Publishing: Scholastic Press

Number of Pages: 511

Summary: This is about a boy who works in a clock tower changing and charging up clocks. He came to be here because his father was killed in a fire and his uncle took him in then the uncle went missing. While that father was in the fire he was working on a auto man. Hugo goal in life was to fix the man. He did this by stealing parts from a toy shop. He got caught and some how became friends with the man at the shop. He found out that he was a magician once and then made movies. He then gets in trouble with the law where the man that owns the toy shop takes him in and he becomes park of the family and then he goes to film school.

Reaction: I love this book. I love the story line. I love the pictures. I love everything about it except for how much it weights.

Problems: None

Recommendations: To everyone young and old. This book was amazing I would love for all young kids to read this and feel the power through the pictures and the story that comes alive.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Children Just Like Me

Title: Children Just Like Me

Author: Barnabas and Anabel Kindersley

Publishing: DK Publishing

Number of Pages: 75

Genre: Informational

Summary: This is about children all around the world. It talks about where they live and how they dress. It goes into detail about their family, school, education. It talks about what they like to do for fun and a lot of other cool things as well.

Reaction: Wow I never knew so much about the different children around the world. And how cool is it to see pictures describing their lives.

Problems: None

Recommendation: To all kids. It is fun to see kids your age doing things just like you all over the world. It is a great way to learn about other kids and what life is like to live in other places

The Story of Ruby Bridges

Title: The Story of Ruby Bridges

Author: Robert Coles

Publishing Information: Scholastic

Number of Pages: 24

Genre: Biography

Summary: This is a story about Ruby Bridges. She was sent to an all white school. When parents found this out they took their kids out of school. They did not want their children going to school with a black little girl. They would stand out side the door and yell mean things at her. She had to have guard take her in the school every day. But that did not kill her hopes she prayed for those angry mobs that God would forgive them. Later more kids started coming back to school.

Reaction: What a brave little girl. Also what amazing pictures that described the emotions really well.

Problems: None

Recommendation: To every one. If you don't learn history it will repeat it self. This is true when it comes to the book. Every one needs to know where we come from and the things that have happened in the past.


Title: Lincoln

Author: Russell Freedman

Publishing: Clarion Books

Number of Pages:144

Genre: Autobiography

Summary: This is about the life of Abe Lincoln. Basically from birth to death. It talks about his education, his family, his job and his presidential run. It also goes into great detail about him being president during the civil war.

Reaction: There was a lot in this book that I had no idea that it went on. It went into great description about this life and that was really cool to go behind the scene of one of the greatest presidents

Problems: If you have any problems with this book then you have a major problem with history

Recommendation: For all of those looking into knowing a lot more about the civil war and President Lincoln. Or to get some one interested into history

A year down yonder

Title: A year down yonder

Author: Richard Peck

Publishing Information:Puffin Books


Genre: Humor

Summary: This is about a girl, Mary Alice who is sent to leave with her grandma during tough times. Her parents can't find any work so they send her to her grandma for a year so that they might find work and bring her back. This is a story about how just grow to love a crazy grandma who would do anything for anyone but she does not want any one to know that. Grandma plays tricks on people and checks on people and makes sure there is always food on the table or food for others. She steals things she needs but pays them back in other ways. Mary Alice is slightly embarrassed to start of with but learns to love her grandma for who she is.

Reaction: That Grandma is Crazy!

Problems: This gives great example of stealing but she pays them back in other ways but some children might not read it as such

Recommendation: For any one that has had a grandma that they did not want to claim in public.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Great Gilly Hopkins

Title: The Great Gilly Hopkins

Author: Katherine Paterson

Publishing Information: Harper Collins Children Book

Number of Pages:178

Summary: This about Gilly. She is a foster child that has been passed around and has really left a mark on her. She is on to her next mission which is Trotter. This big women that has another foster child living with her. She tries her hardest to put up a front but she begins to fall in love with the family that she is placed with. She wrote a note to her mother a letter to come save her. The mother then told the grandmother to go get her after all these years. By then she does not want to leave she loves Trotter but knows that her knew future is with her real grand mother.

Reaction: I have had foster children and they were never like this. This was a different story that I never read. It was nice to get an inside on her life and to realize how hard it is to be a foster child to have parents but they don't want you. I enjoyed it her vocabulary was a little harsh but you can't blame her because of the life she has had.

Problems: The only problems would be the way she treats people or the language she uses.

Recommendations: For those having a rough time. For those that need some one to relate to. To those that want to gain a better perspective of foster children and the life that they have to live.

Out of the Dust

Title: Out of the Dust

Author: Karen Hesse

Publishing information: Scholastic inc

Number of pages: 227

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is a story about a girl that loves her mother and baby brother and has to learn to live with her dad and live with her life in the dust. When her mother died she tried to save her but she just damaged her hands and is not able to play the piano any more. This is a depressing moment for her and she is having a hard time dealing with it. She tries to continue to play but it hurt to much. She tried to run away but just ended up going back home to her dad. Her father started dating and she was at first not ok with it but she learned to accept it and enjoy it.

Reaction: This was a different type of book that I have ever read. It was in poem form which was different for me. I enjoyed it though. I liked that way the poem continued with the story and the writing had a real flow to it.

Problems: This was a depressing book. It dealt with a lot of loss. It would be hard to read if the reader was younger and did not know how to handle the feelings.

Recommendation: To those who have lost some one. This is a story about a girl that had hit rock bottom and just picked her self back up. This would be good to read if you were going through the same thing to know that people can help each other.

Olive's Ocean

Title: Olive's Ocean

Author:Kevin Henkes

Publishing Information: Scholastic Inc

Number of Pages:217

Genre:Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is a story about Martha she wants to be a writer. A girl in her class dies and she wrote a journal entry about Martha about how she had never been to the ocean. Martha and her family were going to the Ocean and Martha wanted to bring some back for Olives mom. They go and Martha grows. She gets kissed by a boy that used her and starts to like his brother. At the end she goes to olives home to give her mother the jar of ocean water and her mother had moved away.

Reaction: I didn't enjoy it at all. I thought that it was plain and lacking in story. Like the story of olive didn't really have a point. It was a book that really didn't catch my attention or want me to read more.

Problems: For those that haven't dealt with love or death before it will be hard to understand for some.

Recommendations: I don't think I would recommend this to any one i didn't enjoy it so to advertise to some one else would be wrong

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Star Girl

Title: Star Girl

Author: Jerry Spinelli


Number Of Pages: 186

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Summary: This is about a home school girl named Star girl that returns to high school. She is a different kind of girl she does not fit in with the norms of high school her pet is a rat and she carries around a ukulele. She captures the attention of the student body with her being so loving, lively, and different. The ask her to be on the cheer leading team because she has so much spirit in her. So much that her cheers for all the teams even the opposite teams. This is something that makes the student body start to reject her. Then she meets a boy named Leo and falls in love with him. They become an item. The school starts to reject them even more. From their on she starts in a speech competition which she believes will make ever one like her. So she does the competition and changes the way she dresses for her to be more accepted. But it does not help at all. So finally she goes back to her old self and goes to the ball alone were people again like her personality but not enough to stand up for her so she then disappears.

Reaction: This book was really good. Every one says that every one should read it before high school and I just wonder what that will change for any one. People are cruel and unkind and by high school its just what you are no matter what. You can change a little but there will still be a seed of that growing in you. This book really does show how high school works. It rejects people that are different and want to be original.

Problems: I don't enjoy that she wanted to be so orginal and she put up with everythig that she did and then she changed for them. She then realize that they still didn't accept her so she went back to her own style and then just ran away.

Recommendation: I would recommend this to people in high school. Then to ask them to look back on their years in high school and ask if this book could be true. Are people this cruel do they really treat people like this so different. Then ask what could we do to change it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

David Gets in Trouble

Title: David Gets in Trouble

Author David Shannon

Publishing:The Blue Sky Press

Number of pages: 30

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is a story about David. Some times he forgets simple things so he tells it like it is or he makes up an excuse of how it happened. For example when pulling on the Cats tail he tells his mom that she likes it. Or when he drops a glass of juice he says that it slipped. He just has trouble doing what he needs to get down but at the end of the day he always says he is sorry and that he loves his mom

Reaction: I did not enjoy the pictures of David, I thought he looked scary and it was not my favorite to read because of the pictures

Problems: Kids might try and do the actions that he is doing

Recommendations: I don' think I would recommend this to any one I did not enjoy it.

Bubble Bath Pirates

Title: Bubble Bath Pirates

Author: Jarrett J. Krosoczka

Publishing: Reinforced Binding

Genre: Picture Book

Number of pages: 30

Summary: Two little boys are playing Pirates. Their mother wants them to take a bath. So every time she tells them to do something they think of a pirate thing to say. For example when she gives them their wash clothes they use them to raise the sails. The go on until they load the cannons which means that are going to un plug the tub. Then while drying them off she tells them about the treausre she has for them in the kitchen turns out its ice cream.

Reaction: The pictures were really fun and they captured the mood of the book.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For any one trying to find ways for their child to take a bath.

Fall Leaves Fall!

Title: Fall leaves Fall!

Author: Zoe Hall

Publishing: Scholastic Press

Number of Pages: 28

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: These two boys are outside catching leaves. As they are catching them they are describing them what color they are or what shapes do they look like. Also what size they are. Then they decided to rake them all up and to jump into them. After they go inside and talk about what they saw and eat cookies shaped just like leaves

Reaction: What life like colors they had. These boys did a great job in explaining the difference in leaves


Recommendation: To those studying Fall and colors

Madeline's Rescue

Title: Madeline's Rescue

Author: Ludwig Bemelmans

Publishing information: The Viking Press

Number of pages: 56

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is a story about a school for girls in Paris. Then would do everything in two straight lines. Then Madeline fell off a bridge and into the water and was saved by a dog. They keep the dog until the Master of the school came and said they had to get rid of it so they did. All the little girls were upset so they decided to find the dog and when they did they were all so happy that the little girls could not decided who the dog was going to sleep with. Then later in the night the dog had puppies so there was now a dog for every one.

Reaction: What beautful pictures this book contained some of the pages were just ordinary white black and yellow. Them some were beautiful paintings that we just unbelievably life like. You felt that if you touched the page you would be touching the painting.

Problems: None

Recommendation: For all little girls looking for a book to read. They will love every word in it

Arthur's Family Vacation

Title: Arthur's Family Vacation

Author: Marc Brown

Publishing: The Trumpet Club

Genre: Picture Book

Number of Pages: 30

Summary: Arthur had a week off of school and his family was going on a vacation to the beach. Arthur did not want to leave his best friend Buster but he had to go. So they got their and the pool was to small to play in. Then the next couple days it rained so they did other things like go to a Cow festival. Then on the last day it was bright and sunny and they finally got to take lots of pictures

Reaction: This was a fun book that had a lot of jokes hidden into the picture so if you looked closely you could see different funny things happening. Also It was a really great story about spending time with the family.

Problems: None

Recommendation: To all those looking for some fun stories to relate to their family vacations this would be a great book.


Title: Italy

Author: Jillian Powell

Publishing Information: The Bookwright Press

Genre: Non Fiction

Summary: The talk about the different types of Italy. They talk about this history and the historical factors of it that every one comes to visit. They talk about the families how most of them living in apartments. How lunch is the main meal of the day and when it comes to education they get out at one and how school on Saturday. They talk about how Italy is known for their amazing ice cream and the shopping that can be done their. They talk about the Religion and the farming. How most of the time they travel on boat because most of the city is sitting on the water.

Reaction: There was a lot in this book that I did not know about. I did not know that most families lived in apartments or that children went to school on Saturday. This book was full of fun information that is really good to know.


Recommendation: For those who are thinking about studying other countries it is a great book to get you started. The pictures are amazing and they really capture the culture of what Italy is and what kind of people live there and what people from Italy see every day.

The Greeks

Title: The Greeks

Author: Sally Hewitt

Publishing: Smart Apple Media

Number of Pages: 27

Genre: Nonfiction

Summary: This is the History of the Greeks. It went into great detail about the different lifestyle that they had. For example the girls stayed home while the sons went to school. They wore clothing called tunics. They are known for their Temples and their Myths. Also women cared a lot about their looks so they would make sure that they were always dressed up. They are known for their Olympic Games. They did these games in order to honor the Gods in Mount Olympus and Zeus was their ruler. This book also has many different activies for children to do for them to learn the importance of the history of the Greeks.

Reaction: What a fun book. All of the art ideas were amazing. They had something different on every page for the reader to do so that he or she could better understand what she was learning about.

Potential Problems: None

Recommendation: To all teachers having trouble getting their kids interested in History. This is a great book to learn about history and to get them doing things that are hands on so that they might be able to remember them better.


Title: Ireland

Author Kathleen W. Deady

Publishing information: Bridgestone Books

Number of Pages: 24

Genre: Nonfiction

Summary: This book was all about the different things about Ireland. It talks about how most Irish family are very family orientated. It talks about how the schools there are run be the Catholic church. It talks about all the different food that they eat that they try and be very healthy be eating fruits and vegetables. They do on the other hand eat a lot of meat. talk about how Ireland is famous for arts and crafts and that they have never popular music. The play sports like Hurling and Gaelic football. Also they Celebrate St. Patrick's Day March 17 every year.

Reaction: This was great to learn about where I am from and why my family is so big on family and why we go all out for St. Patrick's Day


Recommendation: For all of those interest on why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day. For those looking into more about the Irish Culture or those that like Ireland.


Title: Germany

Author: Michael Dahl

Publishing: Bridgestone Books

Number of Pages: 24

Genre: Nonfiction

Summary: This is a book all about Germany. It talks about how children go to school. It takes about what holidays they celebrate and what kind of cars they drive. It talks about the color of the flag and what kind of animals live in Germany.

Reaction: This was very informational I had no idea that they only went to school for four years then they could choose to get trained in a certain field of work.

Problems: None this would be great to give a child if you were traveling there or teaching them about different places around the world.

Recommendation: To all have an interest in foreign places

The Secret of Plantform 13

Title: The Secret of Plantform 13

Author: Eva Ibbotson

Publishing:Puffin Books

Page number: 231

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: There is place called a Gump that is the door way to a secret Island. This Gump only opens every nine years for nine days. The Gump opens into the streets of London. There are a king and queen that had just had a baby and they hired for sisters to be his nannies. The Gump opened and they took him into London so that they could get some fish and chips. They were sitting on a park bench when the baby was stolen by Mrs. Trottle a women that could not have a baby and her old nanny brown. The gump closed and the King and Queen were very upset. They then waiting nine years. And come to find out that there prince was now named Raymond Trottle. Then when the Gump opned again they sent out resures to find the prince. Then went to the house and meet a wonderful servent boy named Ben. They then had Ben help them to get Raymond to come with him. Raymond was very fat and selfish and didn't want to. So they had to figure out a plan to steal him but while trying to steal him Ben got hurt and then for got about Raymond. From there the King and Queen sent these yucky birds to go get the Prince. From there the birds stole the prince. The resueres tried to tell ben to come to the island with them but he couldn't leave his grandmother nanny brown. But then turns out Nanny brown dies and gives him a note saying that Ben is the prince not Raymond so they run to the gumb and make it in and then throw raymond back out on to the streets of London.

Reaction: I loved this book. I loved the clear twist and I loved the characters that came alive in the book. I enjoyed all the magic that happen and all of the plots that ran together. I loved the details of the book and the random pictures that would come up and show what some of the characters looked like.

Problems: The only problem is don't let your son become to spoiled

Recommendation: I think that this would be great for all. It is not that long of chapters so you could read it to kids and keep their interest or you could give it to a child that is starting to read and I think that he would enjoy it very much.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Andersen Fairy Tales

1. The Emperor's New Suit
2. A Story From the Sand Hills
3. The Butterfly
4. The Windmill

Author: Hans Christian Andersen

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: The Emperor only liked the best of the best when it came to clothing. There were two swindlers that came into town saying that they could make the best of clothing. That their clothing was so perfect you had to be smart and fit for your job in order to see it. So they asked for a lot of money and the finest materials to make this for the Emperor. The Emperor was very excited but he wanted to make sure he was fit for his job, he wanted to be able to see the clothing which was being made for him. So, he sent a priest to go see the clothing. The priest could not see it but he lied cause he did not want to be unfit for his job. The Emperor had sent others as well and they did the same. Finally the finally product was done. The swindlers helped the Emperor put on his new out fit even though know one could see it and he walked through town so that he could show it off. When walking through town ever one pretended to see it except for a child that just shouted that he was not wearing anything. Then the rest of the town declared that they could not see it either.

Reaction: It was a little to predictable for it to be something that I enjoyed reading. You could tell from the beginning what was going to happen which still makes for a good story but not for this one it lacked meat or something to look forward to.

Potential Problems: We should not teach our readers that it is okay to lie just in order for others not to judge you.

Recommendation: This was not one of my favorite fairy tales so I don't think that I would recommend this for any one to read.

Asbjorsen Fairy Tales

Title: Why the Sea is Salt

Author: Peter Asbjorsen

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: There was a rich and a poor brother. The poor brother came to the rich brothers house asking for food. The rich brother gave him flitch and he told him to take it to Hell. So the man goes to Hell and make a trade with the devil for the flitch. He trades it for a grind. So they make the switch and the poor brother takes the grind home where it makes him everything he asks for until he becomes wealthy from the grind. From there he has everything so the rich brother buys it off of him but doesn't know how to use it so he ends up paying his brother to take it back. Then he starts to grind out Gold and builds he house on the sea side and a skipper comes up and wants to buy it so he does. He then takes off quickly so that the man will not change his mind. He then wants to grind salt and he does it on his ship and he doesn't know how to stop it so it floods his boat and then the grind drifts off to the bottom to the sea and thats why the sea has salt.

Reaction: The funny thing is I started to read the story forgetting all about the title and then by the end when it sums it all up it just makes me laugh that it all comes together with a joke at the end.

Problems: I don't see many problems with the stories I feel that they are fun ways of answering the questions of the world

Recommendation: To any one looking for a good laugh

Perrault Fairy Tales

1. Sleeping Beauty
2. The Master Cat or Puss in boots
3.Ricky of the Tuft
4. Little Tom Thumb

Author: Charles Perrault

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: There was a baby born to a queen an a evil fairy cast a spell on her that she should die from pricking her finger on a spindle wheel. After the evil fairy cast this terrible smell a small fairy that had been hiding came out and changed the spell that she would only go into a sleep for a hundred years until kissed by the kings son. This all happened as told. The prince found her and married her but kept it a secret cause his mother who was an orge would not be happy. Finally his father died making him open his secret about his family that he had made included a son and a daughter. Then there was a war and the king had to leave. From there the evil mother tried to eat the small family but the steward saved them and hide them in his home. One day the evil mother heard them playing and was going to drop them into a large Vat and eat them but the sun had returned so she placed her self in the vat.

Recation: I enjoyed that story alot more. It was nice to hear what happen to Sleeping Beuaty once she was waken. I think it was funny that the mother was an orge and he father married her for her money. It was just a real fun twist to the story

Problems: The problems I see is that the mom tried to eat her sons family. This is not something that we should give to every one to read if they are not old enough to understand it.

Recommendation: I would recommend this to all. It was a fun twist that i truely enjoyed reading. I think alot of people would enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jacob Fairy tales

1. Three Bears
2. Mr. Fox
3. Lazy Jack
4. The old women and her pig

Author:Joseph Jacobs

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary of Plot: The three bears that live in the forest have just made breakfast and it was to hot so they decided they would go through the forest on a walk. When they are gone a old women comes in and tries all of the breakfast and has stolen all of the silver spoons and replaced them with wooden ones. She eat all of the small bears breakfast. Then she tries out the huge bear chair then the medium one then the small and sits there but then says a wicked word cause she breaks it. She then goes and tries all of the bed and falls asleep in the tiny bear bed. She then is a deep sleeper and the bears come home and the bear find their breakfast and their chairs then finally they go to their bed to find the old women still sleeping there. The big bear does not wake her up and neither does the medium bear. But, the small bear is so high pitch it wakes her up and sends her out the window

Reaction: Well I was not expecting an old women in the story. This is not like the Three Bears that I have. They used great adjectives to describe the bears and not putting them into any type of gender

Problems: This is showing readers its okay to just walk into a house and try things out and that is not how things should go and its not okay to go in when no one is home.

Recommendations: If some one wants a different type of fairy tale this would be the way to go. It is not that much of a difference but it still has some changes.

Grimm Fairy Tales

1. Rapunzel
2. Brother and Sister
3. Cinderella
4. The Frog King

Author: Brothers Grimm

Genre: Fairy Tales

Summary: This was a story about a women who wanted Rapunzel out of a witches garden and the only way she could have it if she gave up her baby. So she gave the witch her baby and the witch locked her in a tower. Rapunzel hair grow long so every time the witch wanted to come in she would climb up Rapunzel's long hair. Once Rapunzel had been singing and a prince had heard her. He waited to see how he could get to her. Then he pretended to be the witch and climb up her hair. They fell in love and he was suppose to bring her things to make a latter. Their love was a secret. One day she let it slip to the witch about the prince so the witch cut off her hair and sent her to the forest. Then the prince came back and the witch pretended to be Rapunzel and then she blinded him and sent him into the forest. Weeks later then found each other and Rapunzel was able to give him back his eye sight and they lived happy together

Reaction: This played along well to the stories that I have always been told. This was kind of more cruel with its writing of how the prince became blind. It also went into more detail of how the witch cut off Rapunzel's hair.

Problems: This is not your normal Fairy Tale even though they do end up together in the end but it is not the nice story that they usually tell.

Recommendations: To any one that is looking for different views of how the fairy tales are suppose to be told


Title: Holes


Publishing Information: Yearling

Number of Pages:233

Genre: Modern Fantasy

Summary of Plot: This is a boy named Stanley Yelnats. He is born into a family that has a curse on it by his great great grandfather who made a deal with Madame Zeroni to take one of her pigs and carry it up the hill to let it drink so it will get big and fat so that he could win over the women of his dreams with the pig. But after he won over the women he needed to take Madame Zeroni up the hill so she could drink the water. Turns out the women didn't want him to he set sell for america and never took her up the hill thus placing a curse on the family. Now Stanley is walking home from school when a pair of shoes fall from his head. He is caught by the cops and is sent to Camp Green Lake even though he didn't steal the shoes. It is there he is made to dig a hole five feet deep and five feet across. He becomes friends with many different boys and gets the nick name of Cavemen. It is also there that he meets zero. Everyone thinks zero is dumb but he is actually good in math. Cavemen helps Zero Learn how to read. While digging these holes they realize that they are not digging to build character then are building to find bruid treasure that kissing Kate Barlow had put then many years ago. One day they are digging looking for the treause and zero gets mad and starts attacking the other boys and then he chooses to run away. there is no where to go on camp Green Lake it is all dessert now but he goes any ways. After a couple of days Stanley goes looking for him and he is under a boat living off peaches. They then set out to climb up the thmb of God. They find onions and water up there that they live off of. Then they choose to go back to camp Green Lake to look for the treasure one more time. Then find it and Stanley gets to keep it cause it says his name on it. Then him and zero get to go home and they get alot of money from the treasure.

My reaction to the story: This was a bunch of stories all rolled into one. The stories were all fun and adventures and they all played into the main story of the book. It was a fun book to read that covered past and present. It showed how people come into our lives for many different reasons. This was a great way of showing how important it is to care about the people who do come into your life.

Potential Problems: There is alot of lying and stealing that goes on in the book. Also most of the people in the book are not positive including many of the counslers. It maybe be a little confusing to those that are reading if they are having trouble keeping the stories straight.

Recommendations: I would recommed this book to all. It is like five stories wrapped into one. I has so much adventure to follow along with. He talks about what it take to be a good friend this is a book that is important to know about and love.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Giver

Title: The Giver

Author: Lois Lowry

Publishing Information: EMC Masterpiece Series- Access Edition

Number of Pages: 167

Genre: Childrens Novel

Summary of Plot:
This is a story about a boy names Jonah. He lives in a place where everything is controlled. Where they eat, sleep, marry and their job is chosen for them. When they are twelve years old they get to know what their job will be in the community. Jonah is chosen for a special job. It is not a job that they give out a lot. He is given the job of the Receiver. He has to study with the man who was the reciever and his job is to hold the memorize that once were in the world. For example in the community they don't know about color,sunshine,rain, snow or anything to that nature. Jonahs job is to keep all of these memories incase the government has a concern about something he can use his knowledge of memory to help them decided. Except now that Jonah learns all of these things he doesn't think its right that he has all of the memorize and the rest of the community doesn't so him and his teacher now known as The Giver give him a plan to run away and once the reciever leaves the community all of the memories will be resleased back into the members of the community. So he leaves set of to find something new. Now the community will have all those memorize to short through with the help of The Giver and Jonah will be free of the community.

My Reaction to the book:
What if the world was really like that? What if we lived in the world of sameness and didn't know any different? What would life be like with out color, smell and music? This book gave me alot of thinking to do. It made me think about the difference that I see in the world today and how i love them that much more cause I have them. I am not saying that a world like this could come to be but to think of a world with out choice woule be terrible. I am so glad that Jonah did something about it and changed it for every one.

Potential Problem:
The only problem that I have is that at times I became angry with this book because they were so simple minded when they got mad at their son for asking if they loved him. Or when they just wrote the part about the dad killing the baby as no big deal it truely broke me heart that he had no idea what he was doing and how he just threw it away. The problem is that they didn't know any different so sometime I feel like they were instructed to be this way and that just make me angry.

This would be a great book for all. I know that I recommended to class mates after I read it so that i could get their feed back on what they thought about the book. This book makes you asking alot of questions about the story and the book. This would be great for an english class to get all different feed back from students.

The Wandering of Odysseus

Title: The Wandering of Odysseus

Author: Rosemary Sutcliff

Publishing Information: Laurel-Leaf

Number of pages:131

Genre: Fairy Tale-Epic

Summary of Plot
This is a story about Odysseus and his adventures. He starts this book just after finishing his arm with Troy. He spend the whole book trying to work his way back to his homeland of Ithaca. To start of his adventure he incounters a cyclops who tries and eat all of his men. Odysseus uses his wit to get out of that one by holding on to the bottom of a sheep so that the cyclops would not know that they are excaping. That is when the really story starts. Odysseus has to blind the cyclops in his attempts to get away. So once he does that he makes Lord Poseidon made by blinding one of his sons. This makes his trip back to Ithaca that much harder. He encounters many different trouble and comes into many different Gods but he finally makes his way home just to see there are man lining up awaiting to here news of his death so that they can marry his wife. So Odysseus pretends to be a begger and shows up all of the men at the palace. Then he shows himself but some people don't believe him so he has to show a scar on his thigh for people to know its him. After that he kills all of the men trying to get is wife and then goes on with his life.

My reaction to the book:
This book was a little dry for me. Once I was really getting into the story of the chapter it would end and go on to a different chapter and a new story so there wasn't much meat to it. They would explain the history and where he was and then they would start to get into a conflict and then in two seconds it was over and he was moving on to a different island or problem. There was just not enough story line for my liking.

Potential Problems:
The only problem that I can see is that it would not attract to much interest in the book. It would be to dry for people to enjoy it and to see the history of it all

I would recommend this book to those who enjoy history.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thump Quack, Moo

Title: Thump Quack, Moo

Author: Doreen Cronin

Publishing Information: Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Picture book

Summary: Farmer Brown is designing a Statue of Liberty Corn Maze. He is trying to make is property look good. He lets the chickens use hammers, he lets the cow use paint and he let duck build a ticket booth. While the mice watch the weather. Farmer Brown plans out his corn maze perfectly. He works on it all day and is getting really excited. Turns out the chickens don't know how to use hammers and the cows can't be trusted with paint. He doesn't care. He climbs in to a hot air balloon to see his master piece. Come to find out that after Farmer Brown went to bed Duck would go out and change the Statue of Liberty to look like him. Farmer Brown was not happy.

Reaction to the book: That duck is crazy! What a funny book and will the farmer ever realize how much trouble duck is. This is a funny book full of adventure for duck at least. This was a fun book full of good facial drawing on the characters so you can catch what they are really feeling just by looking at them.

Problems : NONE

Recommendations: For those who love to be sneaky. For those that find it fun to play jokes on other people. For those that are interested in farms and the different animals that live there. This book is a fun easy read that many children will enjoy following duck on his plan to make Farmer Brown unhappy.

Diary Of A Spider

Title: Diary of a Spider

Author: Doreen Cronin

Publishing: Joanna Cotler Books

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Picture book

Summary: This is a book about what it is like to be a spider. It talks about how he goes to school and learn that spiders are not insects. You learn that he best friend is a fly. It goes day be day over his life and explaining different things that he did. Also it talks about his grandpa. He talks about he can't have fly come over to play at his house because he gets stuck in the web.

Reaction: This book was really funny. He was doing things that humans would do, like going to the park and not being able to play on the toys cause he was to small. Also how he goes over to spend the night at a friends house and they are eating something that he doesn't like. This was just a funny book full of funny diary entry that just make you laugh. Also the pictures are really fun and really help tell and describe the story that is being written. They are well done and you can always find something to laugh at some where in the pictures.

Potential Problems: None

Recommendation: I would recommend this for those trying to urge their kids to keep a journal and she it to them how fun it can be. Also it would be a great writing tool with the journal to have children read this and want to write their own diary for them selves and to share with other people. It is a fun book that gives you fun story and also helps you to understand spider. For instance did any one know that a spider looses his skin?

Ginerbread Friends

Title: Gingerbread Friends

Author: Jan Brett

Publishing Information: G.P. Putnam's Son

Number of Pages:25

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: The Gingerbread baby was so sad and lonely when his friend Mattie went out to play. He was getting so lonely so he went into to town to look for some friends. He went into a bakery to look for some friends. But all of the people he asked were not alive and could not be his friends. He asked many characters and none of them answered. Then to his surprised he saw a door his size he went in to fall asleep. Come to find out a mouse lived there and was eating his buttons! He then tried to run away and the bakery saw the mouse chasing him and wanted them out of the story and then the Gingerbread man made it to his rooster and got him home. When he got home he had discovered that Mattie had spend the whole day making him a Gingerbread family for him to play with.

Reaction To the book: My Goodness! Those pictures were amazing. It was like she was telling two stories at once. You have the main story that is happening on the page but if you look to the side you can see what his friend Mattie is doing at home while he is away. The pictures were incredible description and so fun to look at. Everything that she drew she stood out and you just could not help but look at all the things that are being shown in the pictures. They look to live like that you almost have to touch the book to see if they are real.

Problems: None

Recommendations: Any one that loves to look at pictures. Loves a fun story full of adventure. Some one that can see a great drawing when they see it and will know what an incredible amount of time was taken to draw this book.

Ella Sarah Gets Dressed

Title: Ella Sarah Gets Dressed

Author: Margaret Chodos-Irvine

Publishing Information: Hardcourt, Inc

Number of Pages: 29

Genre: Picture Book

Summary: This is a book about a little girl named Elle Sarah who doesn't know what to wear she thinks that she wants to wear this crazy outfit, but her parents and her sister try and talk her out of it. They offer clothing they think that she would like even though they are basically the same clothes that they are wearing but Elle Sarah doesn't want to wear their clothes. So she goes back to her original plan of wearing her pink polka dot pants, her orange and green flower dress, her purple and blue striped socks, her yellow shoes and her red hat. She put that outfit on and loved it. Her parents thought that it was a little to much but then the door bell rang and it was friend friends and they loved her outfit.

Reaction: This book was not my favorite. It had a fun story and it would be fun for a little kid that likes to pick out exciting clothes to wear. But the story was lacking. It was fun with the picture they captured the fun of her out fit really well with the different colors they used to show her out fit. One thing i did enjoy was that her cat was in every picture with her.

Potential Problem: The only problem that it would not keep the children attention that long.

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to those with children that like to dress them selves. That like to wear the same thing over and over. Or those with children that like to wear clothes that don't match. Just let them be them and buy this book for them so they know that it is okay to wear what your feeling.


Title: Cowlick

Author: Christin Ditchfield

Publishing Information: Golden Book

Number of Pages: 32

Genre: Picture Book

Summary of the Plot:
Two little boys asleep in bed. Their hair flat to their head. The cow comes into the house. He sneaks into their room and gives them a Cowlick that makes their hair stick straight up. They can't do anything to fix it.

Reaction: My reaction to this book was that the pictures were better then the story. The pictures were amazing they are well done and they make the story and you can't help and look at the pages long after you have already read the story because of how fun the pictures are and all the fun colors that come with them.

Potential Problems: NONE

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to young children. They will love these pictures and enjoy the story and think that it is silly that a cow did this to the children and they will be able to understand just by looking at the pictures.

Number The Stars

Title: Number the Stars

Author: Lois Lowry

Publishing Information: Houghton Mifflin Company

Number of Pages: 132

Genre: Children Novel

Summary of the Plot:
This story takes place in Denmark during the World War when the Nazi were taking over trying to rid the world of the Jewish people. There was a family with a little girl named Annemarie that is the narrator of this book. Where she describe the story of when her family saved their close friends the Rosen from the solidars of taken them away because they were Jewish. They took the Rosen girl Ellen in as their own to hide her from the soldiers. Then they went to their uncles and helpped the Rosen family hide in a boat that was run by Annemarie uncle to have them shipped over to Sweden were they would be safe from the Nazi Police.

Your reaction to the book:
This book was a touching story about a family risking thier lives for their friends to help them get away from the Nazi police. It was a really good book. Well written and very detailed so you were never lost in the book. This book was an amazing story that was touching cause in the end you realize that some of the information was true about the family and what they did for that family. I was amazing by the courage that this family displayed and with hesitation they knew what needed to be done and did everything that they could to help them.

Potential Problems: I don't see any problems except that if some one reading this book didnt know about the World War it might be helpful to give some history of what was happening at that time.

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to all readers. This is a sad part of histroy but it is something that people need to learn about and by reading this book it will give them some idea of what it was like to live in that era and what it was like to be Jewish during that time and what they had to deal with. This is a good book for young readers the wording is not bad at all and it is interesting to read it will keep you wanting more.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Knuffle Bunny Too

Title: Knuffle Bunny Too

Author: Mo Willems

Publishing: Hyperion Books For Children/ New York

Number of Pages: 41

Genre: Picture Book

Summary of Plot: It's time for Trixie to go to school. She is so excited because today she is going to share her Knuffle Bunny. She got to school and found out the Sonja had a knuffle bunny just like she did. They did not enjoy it. They fought the whole day until the teacher took the bunnies away. After the teacher gave the bunnies back they went home and had dinner then went to bed then in the middle of night they realized that they had the wrong bunnies. So they made thier daddys meet to switch the bunnies in the middle of the night. And after that they became best friends.

Reaction to the Book: I enjoy this book so much because of the different type of pictures that they used they used photographic as a back round and drew in the character. It made it real fun to find out where the pictures are from and where they are located. Looking at the photos made this book that much more exciting to read and enjoy.

Potential Problems: NONE!

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to all those beginning readers or children that are beginning to read by them selves they will love this book and all the humor that it has in it. They will enjoy the different pictures and characters that they will meet into this book.

I Will Surprise My Friend

Title: I Will Surprise My Friend

Author Mo Willems

Publishing: Hyperion Books for Children/New York

Number of Pages: 57

Genre: Picture Book

Summary of Plot: Piggie And Gerald saw a friend scarying his friend. They thought it would be fun to do. So they decided to try it out. So Piggie went one way and Gerald went the other and they hide behind the same rock waiting for the other person. And when they finally decided to come out they scary each other. They decided it was to much work so next time they are going to play tag next time.

Reaction: This book is full of fun jokes. It is full of fun playful friendship. The pictures are amazing and simple and they just make you laugh. These pictures are so simple it was just a white back drop but the real story comes from the characters faces and actions. This is books is just a fun book. It makes you laugh just by looking at the characters and the faces that they make.

Recommendation: I would recommand this to those young and old looking for a laugh. It doesn't matter what age you are if you enjoying reading then this book with make you laugh and you will enjoy every minute of it.

Pigs Make Me Sneeze

Title: Pigs Make Me Sneeze

Author Mo Willems

Publishing: Hyperion Books For Children/New York

Number of Pages:57

Genre:Picture Books

Summary of Plot
Gerald has a cold and the only time he sneezes if when he is will piggie. So he thinks that piggie is making him sneeze. This makes him sad. He goes to see the cat doctor. He sneezes again when he is around the cat. The Dr. Cat tells him that he has a cold. He goes to tell piggie he does not sneeze because of him and piggie now has a cold.

Reaction: This book is hilarous. It is full of jokes and laughter. The pages and the drawings are amazing. They really capture the characters face and what they are feeling it shows their emotions. The characters come to life and you truely believe that they become friends with the reader.

Potential Problem: This book only problem is that your sides will hurt after from laughing

Recommendations: I would recommend this to all beginning readers the words are not that advanced and they will be able to read it and be able to get the humor from the story.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Graveyard Book

Title: The Graveyard Book

Author: Neil Gaiman

Publishing:Harper Collins Publishers 2008

Number of Pages:307

Genre: Children's Book

Summary: This is a story about a boy named Nobody Owens who they call Bod for short. His family was killed and this mother asked the people in the graveyard of Old Town to look out for him and raise him. So they graveyard folks vote on it and decided to raise the boy in the graveyard. He is given the Freedom of the Graveyard. Where he is aloud to travel to where he wants to go and is taught to do special powers such as going into peoples dreams and making them sense fear. He grows up and learns from the people of the grave yard but wants more so he is allowed to go to school but he used his powers to hide from every one to me there but mostly a memory for every one. Over the book it takes about the man Jack who killed Bods family but how he gets away. It goes on to tell that The man jack is still looking for him and if he leaves the grave yard then the man jack will be able to find him.

Reaction: My first reaction was that this book is a little dark for children to be reading for the fact only that it starts out with a man coming to kill a family and then the boy is raised in a grave yard. This is was a little much to handle and to take in but once you get more into the story you start to enjoy the book a lot more then you thought you would.

Problems: I think the only problem it is a little dark for younger children I don't think they will have the concept to realize that this is not really happening and it might freak them out by reading this book. The reading level is to low to give to adults but I think that if the children are mature then they will understand it more.

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to adults to read before giving it to their children. It is a hit and miss book. I feel like parents should read it before allowing their children to read just so they can see if the kids would be mature enough to read it. I enjoyed this book alot but I would have to inquire about the child reading it before recommended it.

The Eleventh Hour

Title: The Eleventh Hour

Author: Graeme Base

Publishing Information: Abrams Books for Young Readers, 1993

Level: Five years and older

Number of Pages: 31

Genre:Picture Book

Summary: Horace is turning eleven and he is having a birthday party and has invited eleven of his friends to come and dress up and play eleven games. Horace spends so much time preparing this delicious meal, but they can not eat until eleven o clock after they have played all of the different games. While playing different games the food starts to disappear. Who steals the food but is still able to appear in the book on every page?

Reaction: What an incredibly fun book! This book was filled with imagination and critical thinking. It has messages written in every page. It has different animals hidden for the readers to find. This was a fun book to read that is one you can not take lightly it is in depth but in a fun way that makes others excited to read it.


Recommendations: I would recommend this book to all readers young and old. This is one that will be fun for every one that reads it. It is all so a book you can experience with many different people with you that you can all enjoy trying to find out who stole the dinner while the party was going on. This is amazing read that really makes you stop and enjoy the pictures and the colors of the pages that you are reading.

Mouse Paint

Title:Mouse Paint

Author Ellen Stoll Walsh

Publishing Information: Harcourt Brace & Company

Level:Preschool and below


Genre: Picture Book

Summary: These three mice are trying to hide from a cat by staying against a white piece of paper. While the cat was asleep they found three jars of paint, red,yellow and blue. Each mouse got into the jar of paint and turned its self a different color. From there they began to mix the colors around so that they could make different colors. Then they washed them selves of so that they could still hide from the cat.

My reaction: My reaction was what a fun way to learn your colors. Also what a fun way to learn what colors make what and they did it all my accident so it was a great way to inspire experimenting with colors. This book was deminstrated really well by having most of the story be in the pictures with only so many words to describe what was happening in them.

Potential Problems:None

Recommendations: I would recommend this book to all children that are learning their colors. Its a great way of showing off the primary colors and it makes them want to explore other colors and what they could make with their imagination.